Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Losar begins with hunger strike in Dharamshala


Losar begins with hunger strike in Dharamshala
[Dharamshala: 25th Febuary, 2008]
What would be the most festive event of the year, the Tibetan New Year known as Losar this year has been a quiet and sombre moment as repression inside Tibet has been intensified in the weeks leading up to a series of sensitive anniversaries. In Dharamshala at 11am today, 50 Tibetans began a three-day hunger strike organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress to express solidarity with our Tibetan brethrens inside Tibet and protest the gross human rights violations inside Tibet.
At the hunger strike today, the General Secretary of the Tibetan Youth Congress addressed the crowd and encouraged all Tibetans to honor the martyrs of Tibet. Amongst the 50 Tibetans on hunger strike are two Tibetans who previosly participated in the Indefinite Fast for Tibet, without food and water in August 2008 during the second Tibetan People's Mass Movement last year.
Since last years unprecedented peaceful Tibetan people's movement inside Tibet, Tibet continues to remain under an intensified state of repression. The widespread nonviolent protests inside all the three traditional provinces of Tibet displayed the indomitable courage of the Tibetan people who under 50 years of China’s occupation continue to resist and challenge the illegitimate Chinese government’s presence inside Tibet.
Tibetan inside Tibet exercised their democratic right from 10 March 2008 last year and demonstrated their grievances against China’s illegal occupation of Tibet, its discrimanting policies that are leading to disenfranchisement of Tibetans and cultural genocide in Tibet. In response, China cracked down on the protestors with the use of brute force and terror leading to the deaths, arbitrary arrests and disappearance of hundreds of thousands of Tibetans.
On 18 January 2009 China relaunched its “Strike Hard Campaign” inside Tibet. Under this campaign the Chinese authorities have the authority to arrest suspects at will, detain them without trial for prolonged periods and force Tibetans through trials that fall far short of international standards for fair trial. The reintensification of the “Strike Hard” and “Patriotic re-education” campaigns in the wake of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising continues to terrorize defenseless Tibetans in Tibet.
As Tibetans inside Tibet are being pushed and forced to celebrate losar this year so that the Communist Party of China can portray a return of normalcy in Tibet, Tibetans from all over the world, including inside Tibet have chosen to forego Losar to honour the Tibetan martyrs who have sacrificed their precious lives for the cause of Tibet. As we remember the brutal manner in which defenseless unarmed Tibetans were indiscrimanately shot at; mothers, childrens, elderly people all were being terrorized under the guise of protecting “state security”, we remain deeply saddened by the inaction of the United Nations Security Council that allowed this monstrous crime to continue with impunity.
As the cries for help by the Tibetans have gone unheeded, the calls for “No Losar” this year which was first heard from inside Tibet last August and quickly reverberated throughout the whole Tibetan diaspora community portrays the injustice suffered by Tibetans inside Tibet and the oppressive reality of living under the colonial occupation of Tibet that wounds every Tibetan in and outside Tibet.
On 16 February 2009 in Lithang, Tibet a 37-year-old monk named Lobsang Lhundup walked through the market area carrying a photograph of the Dalai Lama and chanting, "No Losar." At least 21 people including Lobsang Lhundup have been arrested from this protest which was joined by hundreds of people in the market. Recent reports confirm that Tibet has been put under virtual martial law and a ban has been imposed on foreign journalist and tourists visiting Tibet. As the freedom of movement of Tibetans inside Tibet are being severely restricted Tibet today remains the largest prison in this world.
We appeal to the international community to not remain indifferent to the sufferings of the Tibetan people inside Tibet and to pressure your governments, heads of state and the United Nations to urge China to stop the human rights violations inside Tibet and respect the Tibetan people's right to freedom of expression.

釋迦比丘 達賴喇嘛丹增嘉措
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
圖博抗暴50週年,邀請您站出來!(From 札西慈仁)
我是札西慈仁(TASHI TSERING),我不會寫中文,感謝台灣的朋友幫忙寫這封信,讓我可以將心裡的話對你們說。
去年2008年,因為314抗暴事件,因為北京奧運的契機,讓我們發現,原來在台灣的我們非常不孤獨,台灣有很多朋友支持圖博!(歡迎大家觀賞【軌跡~Tibet Freedom Movement in Taiwan 2008】)我真的不知道要怎麼表達我的感謝,只能再次說聲謝謝!台灣人真的很棒!
不過,圖博人連悲傷的權利都沒有,因為中共威脅圖博人一定要慶祝新年,這樣的作為是為了要掩飾去年他們的殘暴行徑,目前整個圖博境內的氣氛非常緊張。我知道在台灣的我們不管做什麼都無法真正幫助到圖博境內的人,但是如果大家的支持能夠讓他們感受到,他們不會孤單。NO Losar Celebrations! 請大家務必於明天晚上(2月25日)到自由廣場參加祈福晚會,讓我們藉由一盞盞微弱燭光,將力量傳遞給他們。
札西慈仁(Tashi Tsering)
我是札西慈仁(TASHI TSERING),我不會寫中文,感謝台灣的朋友幫忙寫這封信,讓我可以將心裡的話對你們說。
去年2008年,因為314抗暴事件,因為北京奧運的契機,讓我們發現,原來在台灣的我們非常不孤獨,台灣有很多朋友支持圖博!(歡迎大家觀賞【軌跡~Tibet Freedom Movement in Taiwan 2008】)我真的不知道要怎麼表達我的感謝,只能再次說聲謝謝!台灣人真的很棒!
不過,圖博人連悲傷的權利都沒有,因為中共威脅圖博人一定要慶祝新年,這樣的作為是為了要掩飾去年他們的殘暴行徑,目前整個圖博境內的氣氛非常緊張。我知道在台灣的我們不管做什麼都無法真正幫助到圖博境內的人,但是如果大家的支持能夠讓他們感受到,他們不會孤單。NO Losar Celebrations! 請大家務必於明天晚上(2月25日)到自由廣場參加祈福晚會,讓我們藉由一盞盞微弱燭光,將力量傳遞給他們。
札西慈仁(Tashi Tsering)
20090225 No Losar Celebrations In Taiwan
Dress Code:著黑色衣服
圖博人的傳統,藏曆過年(LOSAR洛薩) 圖博人都會放假三天,唱歌、跳舞,以各種節目來慶祝新年,但家裡若有親人過世則不慶祝洛薩。
2008 年在圖博境內,自3月14日起發生了全面性的抗議活動,這些和平的行動卻遭到中共軍警強力鎮壓,到現在為止,有200多名圖博人喪生,6000多人被逮捕,至今仍1000多人失蹤下落不明,生死未卜。因此,藏曆2136年對所有圖博人來說如同一個「大黑年」,今年新年,也就是2009年2月25日當天,又怎能忘懷受難的圖博兄弟姊妹而開心的慶祝呢?
2009年也是達賴喇嘛流亡印度50週年的日子,因此,在台灣的我們,不管是圖博人、台灣人都響應由圖博境內發起、進而全世界圖博人都支持的「Say NO to Losar」活動,以悼念2008年314以來為抗議中國政府而死傷的圖博人 。
目前已經有包括流亡印度的圖博婦女協會(The Tibetan Women's Association)、913政治犯運動(Gu-Chu-Sum Ex-political Prisoners Movement) 、圖博國家民主黨(National Democratic Party of Tibet)、自由圖博學生會印度分會(Students for a Free Tibet, India)以及西藏青年會(Tibetan Youth Congress)等圖博團體;在台灣則有在台藏人福利協會、圖博(西藏)青年議會台灣分會、四水六崗台灣分會、台灣圖博之友會、鄭南榕基金會、台灣人權促進會、陳文成基金會、逆轉本部、人本教育基金會、基督教長老教會、台灣勞工陣線、自由緬甸網絡、台灣獨立建國聯盟台北市分部以及廢除死刑推動聯盟(非常歡迎各團體加入,若要報名請至這裡)…等等團體響應支持「不慶祝新年」運動,來表達我們對中共剝奪圖博自由最沈痛的抗議。
1. 請於當天晚上於家中點亮一盞酥油燈或蠟燭,為犧牲生命的圖博人哀悼;
2. 到寺廟為受難者誦經祈福;
3. 邀請親友共同為圖博人祈禱。
Monday, February 23, 2009
圖博青年會台灣分會主席札西慈仁則帶來了一部短片【軌跡:Tibet Freedom Movement in Taiwan 2008】,內容是回顧2008年在台灣的支持圖博運動,以及展望2009年圖博抗暴50週年行動。札西表示,他是第二代流亡印度的圖博人,他的父母辛苦的在印度工作,好不容易賺了一些錢,他很期待可以蓋房子住,但是他的父母卻跟他說,反正我們要回去西藏,所以不要浪費錢了!回去西藏的夢,他的父母到過世前都無法完成,但他會持續努力,完成這個所有流亡在外的圖博人的夢。此外,他也特別感謝在台灣的所有人對圖博的支持。
博巴不過年活動,目前已經有包括流亡印度的圖博婦女協會(The Tibetan Women's Association)、913政治犯運動(Gu-Chu-Sum Ex-political Prisoners Movement) 、圖博國家民主黨(National Democratic Party of Tibet)、自由圖博學生會印度分會(Students for a Free Tibet, India)以及西藏青年會(Tibetan Youth Congress)等圖博團體;在台灣則有圖博青年會台灣分會、在台藏人福利協會、四水六嶺在台分會、圖博之友會、鄭南榕基金會、台灣人權促進會、陳文成基金會、台灣青年逆轉本部、人本教育基金會、基督教長老教會、台灣勞工陣線、台灣自由緬甸網絡、台灣獨立建國聯盟台北市分部以及廢除死刑推動聯盟…等等團體響應支持「不慶祝新年」運動,來表達我們對中共剝奪圖博自由最沈痛的抗議。(持續的歡迎團體加入,請與我們聯繫)
記者會中,除了宣佈225活動之外,也公佈在台灣的一列活動,包括:包括:二月二十五日晚上在自由廣場「博巴不過新年」悼念燭光晚會、三月十日高雄市政府宣布為圖博日升旗、遊行,三月十日晚上台北自由廣場燭光晚會、三月十四日週六下午紀念圖博抗暴五十年大遊行。希望大家可以參與這系列活動,若需要更多的資訊,歡迎上【圖博抗暴50週年@Taiwan 】活動部落格查詢。
圖博青年會台灣分會主席札西慈仁則帶來了一部短片【軌跡:Tibet Freedom Movement in Taiwan 2008】,內容是回顧2008年在台灣的支持圖博運動,以及展望2009年圖博抗暴50週年行動。札西表示,他是第二代流亡印度的圖博人,他的父母辛苦的在印度工作,好不容易賺了一些錢,他很期待可以蓋房子住,但是他的父母卻跟他說,反正我們要回去西藏,所以不要浪費錢了!回去西藏的夢,他的父母到過世前都無法完成,但他會持續努力,完成這個所有流亡在外的圖博人的夢。此外,他也特別感謝在台灣的所有人對圖博的支持。
記者會中,除了宣佈225活動之外,也公佈在台灣的一列活動,包括:包括:二月二十五日晚上在自由廣場「博巴不過新年」悼念燭光晚會、三月十日高雄市政府宣布為圖博日升旗、遊行,三月十日晚上台北自由廣場燭光晚會、三月十四日週六下午紀念圖博抗暴五十年大遊行。希望大家可以參與這系列活動,若需要更多的資訊,歡迎上【圖博抗暴50週年@Taiwan 】活動部落格查詢。

TYC organized Gudor with demonized effigies of Mao and Hu Jintao


TYC organized Gudor with demonized effigies of Mao and Hu Jintao
[Dharamsala: 23rd Febuary, 2009]
Tibetan Youth Congress Organized a peaceful demonstration against PRC Chinese rule in Tibet and ongoing Human Righs Violation in Tibet which is the first phase of protest to boycott this year Tibetan New Year to give tribute to our brave Tibetan men and women who had lost their life in last year peaceful protest.
According to Tibetan Calender,on the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth month. That is the day before the Tibetan New Year's Eve. On that day the monasteries do a protector deities' puja (a special kind of ritual) and begin preparations for the Losar celebrations. The custom that day is to make special noodle called guthuk.
Demonstration was stages as a part of religious ritual called gudor to get rid of evils and misfortune before the commencement of Tibetan New Year. But this Year, TYC made the effigies of Mao Tsetung and Hu Jintao which represents evils for Tibetan and set their effigies into Fire which repersents a kind of symbolic act to marked the ongoing repression and suffering inside Tibet.
Huge number of Tibetans and Tibet supporters took part in protest which started from Mcloed Bus Stand around 6.30 PM. Dhondup Lhadhar, Gen Secretary of Tibetan Youth Congress told the mass about the reason of boycotting this year Tibetan New Year and appeal young tibetan to contribute something for the cause.
He also stated that “Both Mao and Hu Jintao represent symbols of evil for Tibetans. Setting off their representations on fire on this day is symbolic of exorcizing evil forces that have brought unprecedented suffering and repression in Tibet,” Tenzin Norsang, Joint Secretary of TYC delivered the speech in English. Latter Tibetans started to make a protest and shouted the slogan of Free Tibet, “Tibet Belongs to Tibetan” and Long live Tibetan Martyrs.
TYC observe 2136 Earth Ox Year in Tibetan Lunar calendar, as a “Black New Year” for Tibetan, as its yet to mark the first annversiary of repression to the Tibetan people inside Tibet by the Chinese in March 2008. It also marks 60 years of China’s invasion of Tibet and 50th Anniversary of the failed uprising against Chinese rule that forced the Tibetan leader the his Holiness the Dalai Lama to fled into Exile.
Tibetan Youth Congress and its regional chapters worldwide will going to organize a series of protest rallies, prayer vigil and also 3 days hunger strike at Mcloed ganj Bus stand to Boycott the Tibetan New Year.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
2009 年、藏曆2136年是圖博抗暴50週年。在台灣由台灣圖博之友會以及圖博(西藏)青年議會台灣分會、在台藏人福利協會、四水六崗台灣分會等在台的圖博團體 共同發起的【圖博抗暴50週年在台灣系列活動】即將開跑。目前已經有十數個台灣的NGO參與圖博抗暴50週年籌備小組,要推動一系列活動,讓社會大眾了解 圖博人所追求的目標是什麼?我們該如何理解Tibet Freedom Movement? 敬邀您參加記者會,並廣為宣傳!
2009 年、藏曆2136年是圖博抗暴50週年。在台灣由台灣圖博之友會以及圖博(西藏)青年議會台灣分會、在台藏人福利協會、四水六崗台灣分會等在台的圖博團體 共同發起的【圖博抗暴50週年在台灣系列活動】即將開跑。目前已經有十數個台灣的NGO參與圖博抗暴50週年籌備小組,要推動一系列活動,讓社會大眾了解 圖博人所追求的目標是什麼?我們該如何理解Tibet Freedom Movement? 敬邀您參加記者會,並廣為宣傳!

RTYC Taiwan歡迎您來信索取:圖博獨立貼紙!
謝謝各位朋友支持Tibet、支持Tibet Freedom Movement!
1. 只要您寄回郵信封到「台北市104農安街32號4樓之一,圖博(西藏)青年會台灣分會收」,將會贈送圖博獨立貼紙兩張。
2. 回郵信封上必須要有收件人(也就是您自己)的姓名、地址、郵遞區號、以及貼好郵資(平信5元,若要掛號,請貼25元郵票)
3. 收到貼紙後,請您拍一張貼紙使用的數位照片,並e-mail照片檔案至rtyc@gmail.com,我們會將這些照片Show到網站上。
4. 數量有限,來信索取每人限送兩張。或者您可以在圖博抗暴50週年相關活動上索取。若您有相關用途,必須索取較大量的貼紙,也歡迎來信商量。
5. 貼紙數量有限,索完為止。一切相關資訊以RTYC Taiwan部落格公佈為準。
6. 由於「圖博獨立」貼紙索取活動是由志工協助執行,因此收到您的信件後約需要3~5天作業時間,請耐心等候!(預計2/27貼紙將會開始寄送!)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
國際社會主義青年聯盟為「西藏年」 致力長達一年的宣導行動

國際社會主義青年聯盟為「西藏年」 致力長達一年的宣導行動
2009 年1月23日上午10:30,全球理事會,由首席嘉賓拉卡提卡斯州長-阿瑪莉亞.加西亞.梅迪納夫人,為會議開幕演講。嘉西達女士,國際社會主義青年聯盟主席和紐西蘭勞工黨議員,簡介了國際社會主義青年聯盟全球理事會,所扮演的角色,並介紹了今年所安排的議程。國際社會青年聯盟副主席帕維.爾梅倫德斯先生,概述了全球金融危機,也向主辦單位YouthRD致謝。
墨西哥城,2009年1月29日RADIORAMA電台 Netafora節目,特邀TYC頓珠多杰,以及巴拉圭、阿根廷和墨西哥的青年代表,參與現場直播的座談會,討論"與世界青年和國際社會主義青年聯盟理事會相關的全球問題"。討論過程中,多杰先生概述了墨西哥國際社會主義青年聯盟全球理事會,發表了就西藏問題所通過的決議案,並由該節目的Alex先生翻譯為西班牙語。他強調西藏在2008年3月和平示威,於北京奧運後局勢是日益惡化的狀況。
國際社會主義青年聯盟全球理事會,在墨西哥所通過與西藏相關的決議: 1、承認西藏是一個獨立主權的國家,並譴責中國政府非法佔領西藏,並開始停止以殖民方式來佔領西藏。 2、立即停止中國種族遷移政策,導致大量中國移民湧入西藏,威脅危害西藏種族、文化及文明的生存空間。 3、立即無條件釋放所有政治犯,包含班禪喇嘛根敦確吉尼瑪和丹增德勒活佛。提供所有在和平示威中遇難者、被關押者的訊息,包含他們的姓名、確切的下落和被指控與關押的理由。 4、停止大規模強制安置西藏境內牧民,並停止以殖民方式及誇張的鐵路網絡,來剝削西藏的自然資源。 5、完全撤消與停止,所謂的"愛國教育運動",以及針對西藏的"第五號命令",並應立即撤銷奧運後,針對西藏的種種嚴酷鎮壓的政策。 6、強烈譴責對於為了表達其自由意願而遭逮捕的藏人,遭拒絕給予公開公平的審判。 7、呼籲聯合國勇敢的作出恢復1959年、1961年和1965年針對西藏所通過的決議案,並對中國施加壓力,使其允許特別調查報告委員會渉入,並幫助西藏人民恢復其應有的人權和支持西藏自由運動。 8、採取緊急措施以解決抗議的根本原因,其中包含西藏人民對於侵犯應有人權的長期不滿、限制宗教活動、迫害言論自由、結社集會的自由;政府的政策明顯的是,為了削弱藏人的文化和民族特性,並且蓄意排除藏人經濟的發展。 9、國際社會主義青年聯盟,發起並致力於長達一年的宣傳活動,以"西藏年"來表示其重要性。而即將到來的2009年3月,西藏運動即將邁入第50個年頭。
IUSY World Council Meeting in Mexico passes resolutions to dedicate a year long campaign focusing on Tibet as a "Year of Tibet"

IUSY World Council Meeting in Mexico passes resolutions to dedicate a year long campaign focusing on Tibet as a "Year of Tibet"
nternational Union of Socialist Youth concluded its three day World Council Meeting which was held in Zacatecas, Mexico from 23rd – 25th January 2009. The World Council Meeting is the second highest decision making body, which is held once every two years before the Congress. Over 110 youth delegates from more than 50 different countries including Tibet attended the World Council Meeting.
The World Council was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mrs. Amalia Garcia Medina, Governor of Zacatecas on 23rd January 2009 at 10:30 am. Ms Jacinda, President of IUSY and Member of Parliament from the Labour Party in New Zealand outlined the purpose and agenda of this year's IUSY World Council in her introductory speech. Mr. Pavel Melendez, Vice President of the IUSY briefly addressed the causes of the global financial crises and also gave the vote of thanks on behalf of the hosting organization Youth PRD.
Dhondup Dorjee, Vice President of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), the largest Tibetan organization in exile, represented Tibet during the World Council at Zacatecas. The agenda for the World Council Meeting was "Our Movement, Our Struggle, Our Future": Building a new world in the wake of the financial crisis.
The IUSY Asia Pacific Committee which was held in September 2008 at Manila, Philippines had proposed a five point resolutions. The fifth resolution on the Self determination of Tibet was objected to and withdrawn by the Vice President of TYC who cited that the resolution on Self determination contradicts past resolutions which accepts Tibet as an independent State and condemns the illegal occupation of Tibet by IUSY Asia Pacific Committee Meeting at Ulaanbatar, Mongolia in June 2007.
While in Mexico City, on 29th January 2009 the Netafora program of RADIORAMA invited Dhondup Dorjee of TYC along with the Youth delegates from Paraguay, Argentina, and Mexico for a live panel discussion on the "Global Issues concerning the youth and IUSY World Council Meeting". During the discussion, Mr. Dorjee briefly outlined the resolutions passed on Tibet during the IUSY World Council in Mexico which was translated in Spanish by the program coordinator Mr. Alex. He also highlighted the deteriorating situation inside Tibet after the peaceful Tibetan People's Movement since March 2008 and post Beijing Olympic Games.
Resolutions passed on Tibet during the IUSY World Council in Mexico:
1. To accept Tibet as an independent State, condemn the illegal occupation of Tibet by China and begin dismantling the colonial occupation of Tibet.
2. To immediately stop the rapid demographic transformation policy of China which results in the large influx of Chinese settlers into Tibet that threatens the very survival of the Tibetan nation, race, culture and civilization.
3. Immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners including Panchen Lama Gendun Choekyi Nyima and Tulku Tenzin Delek. Provide accounts of all those killed and arbitrarily detained during the recent peaceful protests, including their names, whereabouts and any charges against them.
4. To stop the massive forced resettlement and disenfranchisement of Tibetan nomads inside Tibet and the colonial exploitation by China of Tibet's natural resources and the expansion of the railway network.
5. Complete withdrawal of the so called "patriotic re-education campaign" and "Order number 5" in Tibet and revoke with immediate effect its stipulated post-Olympic policy of harsh political repression in Tibet.
6. To strongly condemns the denial of fair trails and justice to all the Tibetans who have been arrested for exercising their freedom of expressions.
7. To call upon the United Nations to resume the debate based on its resolution passed in 1959, 1961 and 1965 on Tibet and to put pressure on China to allow a Special Rapporteur to investigate and to help restore human rights in Tibet and support the freedom movement of Tibetan people.
8. Take urgent measures to address the underlying causes of the protests, including Tibetan's long-term grievances over violations of their human rights, restrictions on religious practice; persecution for exercising their freedoms of expression, association and assembly; government policies apparently aimed at weakening their culture and ethnic identity; and deliberate exclusion from the benefits of economic development.
9. International Union of Socialist Youth to initiate and dedicate a year long campaign focusing on Tibet as "Year of Tibet" since the Tibetan Movement will be entering the 50th year in the coming March 2009.
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