【挪威西藏之聲9月24日報導】美國著名歌手麥當娜世界巡回演唱會《Sticky & Sweet Tour》精采片段近日在香港流出,在間場片段《得到愚笨》(Get Stupid)中,她形容中共鎮壓西藏如同希特勒屠殺猶太人。
短片《得到愚笨》在麥當娜演唱會尾段播出,該片分成兩部分,首部分點出“愚笨”主題,畫面全是象征邪惡(Evil)的影像剪輯而成,如天災、難民、殘殺動物及消費主義等。幾個鏡頭後,輪到世紀魔頭希特勒出場,同時加插被納粹迫害的猶太人走進集中營的畫面。此時鏡頭一轉,在演唱會現場的高空熒幕,出現了寫著“得到愚笨(Get Stupid)”中文字標語的中共國旗五星旗,接下來是中國總理溫家寶,以及西藏抗議者被中共鎮壓的片段。
麥當娜的《Sticky & Sweet Tour》巡回演唱會從去年8月開始,在全球32個國家展開。近日有人將演唱會制成翻版DVD圖利,在香港市面流通。今年7月4日在英國Sky 1電視台首度播出,而阿根廷、墨西哥及秘魯等南美國家則於上周六(19日)開始在電視播出。而且這段《得到愚笨》片段早前在YouTube網站上也進行流傳。
另據美國有線電視台消息,美國共和黨前副總統候選人佩林(Sarah Palin)昨天在香港演講,提及了人權、西藏、緬甸和被朝鮮等問題。
Friday, September 25, 2009
周三, 2009年 09月 23日 17:35 The Tibet Bureau in Geneva.
丹增凱塔(TENZIN KAYTA)先生代表受威脅人民協會(Society for Threatened Peoples)發言,提請安理會高度關切西藏的情況。同時,也讚揚人權事務高級專員關切新疆和西藏的人權狀況。上週,在其向安理會的發言時,她呼籲中共當局“尊重人權,堅守法律”,並鼓勵他們“反映此類事件的根本原因,包括歧視,未能保護少數民族權利的原因。“
聯合國三個特別程序委員會的特派專員,包括2009年10月3日聯合國聯合調查對於中國土著人民的基本自由人權,特派專員(Special Raporteur) 對於相關情況表示,“這些政策(安置方案),對於西藏傳統生活方式帶來不利的影響,直接影響西藏傳統織物,破壞這些地區的經濟。這些政策的執行,對於現今西藏文化和宗教的獨特性帶來不可抗拒的挑戰。“凱塔先生在結論時,呼籲中共當局不要辜負特別程序委員會特派專員,還有人權事務高級專員,在今年2月份所承諾的一項承諾。
美國在聯合國的常駐副代表道格拉斯(Douglas Griffiths)先生說,“我們密切注意著中國,包含最近發生在新疆維吾爾自治區的動亂和去年西藏的騷亂。我們敦促中共當局,當他們努力地維持秩序,也要尊重所有中國公民的安全和合法的權益,面對冤案時致力於尋求正當的解決方法。“
下午,同時進行另一項活動,在聯合國內舉辦會議,討論有關中國在西藏的教育政策。該小組成員包括,前西藏中學老師朗莫貢桑( Lobsang Nyima Langmo Gombatsang)先生,和瑞士日內瓦達賴喇嘛中歐和東歐代表桑滇曲巴(Tseten S. Chhoekyapa)先生。
達賴喇嘛尊者代表桑滇曲巴(Tseten S. Chhoekyapa)先生,發言概述西藏境內人權和內部的政治局勢。然後,拿旺札瑪(Ngawang C. Drakmargyapon)先生,非聯合國會員國家及民族組織(UNPO)代表,作了簡短的介紹後,播放“西藏:雪域謀殺”紀錄片的放映。許多非政府組織,包括聯合國海外代表團均出席了該會議。
Thursday, September 24, 2009

手持抗議標語的示威藏人扎西沙朗表示,胡錦濤到聯合國來報告中國對世界的貢獻真是一大謊言。50年代初期,人們可以在西藏看到無憂無慮的野犛牛和黑頸鶴等動物,但是在中共60年的統治下,這些動物被殺害,如今再也看不到西藏特有的珍奇動物了!西藏人認為神聖的高山,卻被中共24小時不停地挖掘,散失了寶貴的金屬資源。美麗的西藏如今卻被中共當作核子廢料垃圾場,使當地的天氣發生異常,影響到南亞的氣候。扎西沙朗表示,“自從中共侵占西藏以來, 120萬藏人被殺害。”他還表明自己不反對中國人,支持和平的法輪功修煉者。他要求中共停止在中國繼續發生的種族滅絕。
Tibetans protest Hu in NY
Phayul [Wednesday, September 23, 2009 16:03]
Dharamsala, September 23 – The Dag Hammerskjold Plaza opposite the United Nations building in New York was filled with angry protesters yesterday as Chinese president Hu Jintao arrived to deliver his first address at the United Nations on climate change.
Tibetans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Burmese, and Falun Dafa followers voiced their angst in unison against the Chinese president who they accused of oppressing thousands of innocent peoples.
Meanwhile, the Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro-independence group of the Tibetan diaspora, condemned the United Nations for kowtowing to China by inviting Hu, who it accused of carrying out “gross violation of human rights in Tibet, East Turkestan and China”. Hu Jintao’s previous commitments of promoting and safeguarding world peace and seeking a harmonious society are no more than blatant lies, it said. While reiterating its demand for complete independence for Tibet the Tibetan Youth Congress appealed to the UN and the world leaders to raise the issue of Tibet through these UN Summits with the leaders of People’s Republic of China.
The outgoing Executive Director of Students for a Free Tibet, Lhadon Tethong, and Tibetan activist Tenzin Tsundue spoke to the gathering that was organized jointly by the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Students for a Free Tibet, Regional Tibetan Women's Association, US Tibet Committee, and Tibetan Community of NY/NJ. Representatives of the Tibetan NGOs also spoke to the gathering.
Tsundue argued that the solution to the issue of climate change for which the world leaders had to listen to Hu lies in the political situation of Tibet. The only solution to fix global warming is to free Tibet that has geographical significance to the world climate, Tsundue said.
Protests were also carried out later at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel where Hu will be staying during the UN general assembly.
Dharamsala, September 23 – The Dag Hammerskjold Plaza opposite the United Nations building in New York was filled with angry protesters yesterday as Chinese president Hu Jintao arrived to deliver his first address at the United Nations on climate change.
Tibetans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Burmese, and Falun Dafa followers voiced their angst in unison against the Chinese president who they accused of oppressing thousands of innocent peoples.
Meanwhile, the Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro-independence group of the Tibetan diaspora, condemned the United Nations for kowtowing to China by inviting Hu, who it accused of carrying out “gross violation of human rights in Tibet, East Turkestan and China”. Hu Jintao’s previous commitments of promoting and safeguarding world peace and seeking a harmonious society are no more than blatant lies, it said. While reiterating its demand for complete independence for Tibet the Tibetan Youth Congress appealed to the UN and the world leaders to raise the issue of Tibet through these UN Summits with the leaders of People’s Republic of China.
The outgoing Executive Director of Students for a Free Tibet, Lhadon Tethong, and Tibetan activist Tenzin Tsundue spoke to the gathering that was organized jointly by the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Students for a Free Tibet, Regional Tibetan Women's Association, US Tibet Committee, and Tibetan Community of NY/NJ. Representatives of the Tibetan NGOs also spoke to the gathering.
Tsundue argued that the solution to the issue of climate change for which the world leaders had to listen to Hu lies in the political situation of Tibet. The only solution to fix global warming is to free Tibet that has geographical significance to the world climate, Tsundue said.
Protests were also carried out later at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel where Hu will be staying during the UN general assembly.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
TYC condemns the UN invitation to Chinese President Hu Jintao to address the UN Summit
22 September 2009
Tibetan Youth Congress strongly condemns the United Nations invitation to Chinese President Hu Jintao to address the UN Summit on Climate Change, the 64th annual UN General Assembly debate and the UN Security Council Summit on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament at this particular time when the human rights situation inside Tibet and East Turkistan continues to deteriorate.
In the last more than 50 years of Chinese illegal occupation of Tibet, over 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed, thousands have gone missing and still several hundreds languish in prisons. Over six thousand monasteries have been destroyed. The most recent case was brutal killings of Tibetan people in Tibet and re-launch of “strike hard” and “Patriotic Re education” campaigns in Tibet. The another alarming development is that China has turned Tibet into a vast military camp with airfield and missile base supported by more than 500,000 troops and a network of railways, roads, bridges and tunnels. China’s history of supplying nuclear technology to Pakistan, North Korea, Iran and other rouge States show that China’s stand on nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation is questionable.
Neither has China been cooperative on resolving global climate change challenges like reducing greenhouse gasses. Furthermore, China’s policy of the accelerated exploitation of Tibet’s natural resources and dumping of nuclear waste in Tibet do not conform to international safety standards and is leading to the destruction of Tibet’s fragile ecosystem.
The rapid population transfer of millions of Chinese migrants into Tibet is also overburdening the plateau and is resulting in cultural genocide. Asia's great rivers like the Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, Salween, Mekong, Yangtze and Yellow River flow from Tibet into several neighboring countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and others. 47 percent of the world human population depends on these rivers for their sustenance. The diversion of these rivers and the construction of large hydropower dams threaten to cause irreversible damage to the environment and have major transboundary effects on neighboring Countries.
The continued gross violation of human rights in Tibet, East Turkistan and mainland China proved against Hu Jintao’s previous commitments of promoting and safeguarding world peace and seeking a harmonious society. China’s leaders should stop making rhetorical statements and false commitments to the world. These leaders should start living up to their own words, respect international norms and stop violating the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) while reiterating its stand for the complete Independence of Tibet appeal to the UN and the world leaders to raise the issue of Tibet through these UN Summits to the leaders of People’s Republic of China. We also appeal to the international community to not remain indifferent to the sufferings of the Tibetan people and to continue your support for the just struggle of the Tibetans.
Issued by: The Office of Central Executive Committee, Tibetan Youth Congress
Contact TYC Office: 01892-221554
Tibetan Youth Congress strongly condemns the United Nations invitation to Chinese President Hu Jintao to address the UN Summit on Climate Change, the 64th annual UN General Assembly debate and the UN Security Council Summit on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament at this particular time when the human rights situation inside Tibet and East Turkistan continues to deteriorate.
In the last more than 50 years of Chinese illegal occupation of Tibet, over 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed, thousands have gone missing and still several hundreds languish in prisons. Over six thousand monasteries have been destroyed. The most recent case was brutal killings of Tibetan people in Tibet and re-launch of “strike hard” and “Patriotic Re education” campaigns in Tibet. The another alarming development is that China has turned Tibet into a vast military camp with airfield and missile base supported by more than 500,000 troops and a network of railways, roads, bridges and tunnels. China’s history of supplying nuclear technology to Pakistan, North Korea, Iran and other rouge States show that China’s stand on nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation is questionable.
Neither has China been cooperative on resolving global climate change challenges like reducing greenhouse gasses. Furthermore, China’s policy of the accelerated exploitation of Tibet’s natural resources and dumping of nuclear waste in Tibet do not conform to international safety standards and is leading to the destruction of Tibet’s fragile ecosystem.
The rapid population transfer of millions of Chinese migrants into Tibet is also overburdening the plateau and is resulting in cultural genocide. Asia's great rivers like the Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, Salween, Mekong, Yangtze and Yellow River flow from Tibet into several neighboring countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and others. 47 percent of the world human population depends on these rivers for their sustenance. The diversion of these rivers and the construction of large hydropower dams threaten to cause irreversible damage to the environment and have major transboundary effects on neighboring Countries.
The continued gross violation of human rights in Tibet, East Turkistan and mainland China proved against Hu Jintao’s previous commitments of promoting and safeguarding world peace and seeking a harmonious society. China’s leaders should stop making rhetorical statements and false commitments to the world. These leaders should start living up to their own words, respect international norms and stop violating the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) while reiterating its stand for the complete Independence of Tibet appeal to the UN and the world leaders to raise the issue of Tibet through these UN Summits to the leaders of People’s Republic of China. We also appeal to the international community to not remain indifferent to the sufferings of the Tibetan people and to continue your support for the just struggle of the Tibetans.
Issued by: The Office of Central Executive Committee, Tibetan Youth Congress
Contact TYC Office: 01892-221554
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
40th TYC Annual Working Committee Meeting

In his address, Tsewang Rigzin, President of TYC remarked that “TYC will continue to play a special role in regaining Tibet’s Independence and the immediate focus and responsibility for all of us is to secure the release of all the political prisoners who are being brutally tortured and to assure their safety. To achieve these, we must persevere more than ever before”.
During the five days, the delegates passionately deliberated on all the issues with diverse opinions and passed resolutions to be implemented in the coming year including, compiling and distribution of facts of Tibet’s Independence, educating the younger generation of their role in continuing the struggle for Tibet’s Independence, raising awareness worldwide about the calamitous situation inside Tibet, a major campaign demanding a TYC delegation to visit Tibet to review the situation of political prisoners, raising awareness about the importance of the 2011 Kalon Tripa and Chitue election, to provide scholarship with specific conditions for specialized education, to commemorate July 13th annually to denounce Order No. 5.
The five day conclave was attended by 40 regional chapters from India, Nepal and North America with a total of around 100 delegates. The delegates comprised of varying age groups including many college students.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
聯合國人權理事會第12次常會今天開幕,由於月前發生政變的宏都拉斯的出席權造成冗長爭議,嚴重影響議程,人權事務高級專員皮勒(Navi Pillay)尚未按原定在開幕式上致詞,但書面聲明已發布。
聯合國人權理事會第12次常會今天開幕,由於月前發生政變的宏都拉斯的出席權造成冗長爭議,嚴重影響議程,人權事務高級專員皮勒(Navi Pillay)尚未按原定在開幕式上致詞,但書面聲明已發布。
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
慈悲擁抱 救贖災民
- 2009-09-01
- 中國時報
- 【仇佩芬/現場側記】

20090901達賴喇嘛尊者於高雄演講: 一個地球.共同的責任
20090901達賴喇嘛尊者於高雄演講: 一個地球.共同的責任
01. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50MSHFu2aMY&feature=channel
02. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRpjg_18Bjk&feature=channel
03. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIl3Qcxs25o&feature=channel
04. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYdWnIC5k-o&feature=channel
05. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5e4Mg_v7So&feature=channel
06. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wEJwm0BlJo&feature=channel
07. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm-_68e-qDQ&feature=channel
08. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oev6ckwdlSY&feature=channel
09. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFlMZosLKQc&feature=channel
10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoNWuikiA7I&feature=channel
11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rByeahNnnik&feature=channel
12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhXOChgbr6o&feature=channel
13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-LjVtmG71E&feature=channel
01. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50MSHFu2aMY&feature=channel
02. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRpjg_18Bjk&feature=channel
03. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIl3Qcxs25o&feature=channel
04. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYdWnIC5k-o&feature=channel
05. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5e4Mg_v7So&feature=channel
06. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wEJwm0BlJo&feature=channel
07. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm-_68e-qDQ&feature=channel
08. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oev6ckwdlSY&feature=channel
09. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFlMZosLKQc&feature=channel
10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoNWuikiA7I&feature=channel
11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rByeahNnnik&feature=channel
12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhXOChgbr6o&feature=channel
13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-LjVtmG71E&feature=channel
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