Monday, March 10, 2008

About Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan

Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan

Regional Tibetan Youth Congress in Taiwan (RTYC Taiwan) was established in 2004. The present Chairman and Vice-Chairman of RTYC Taiwan are Tashi Tsering and Tenzing Chomphel, the Secretary General is Chime Dorjee. RTYC Taiwan shares the same goal with worldwide RTYCs: RANGZEN (which means independence in Tibetan). RTYC Taiwan deems itself as a linkage between Taiwan and Tibet, and works to promote the understandings of the Taiwanese government and civil society on Tibeten issues and TYC’s determination for independence.


About Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC

Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC

With His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s inaugural address, the Tibetan Youth Congress was established to promote the total independence of Tibet in October 7th, 1970 in Dharamsala.
Funded by the first group of young Tibetan intellectuals who received both western and traditional educations and affected by the modern democracy thoughts, TYC has emerged as the largest and most active non-governmental organization of Tibetans in exile. TYC now has 81 regional branches in India, Nepal, Taiwan, France, Canada, USA and many other countries, and has more than 30,000 members worldwide.
TYC works on uniting Tibetans’ common struggle for the restoration of complete independence for the whole of Tibet, which includes the tradition three provinces of U-Tsang, Do-toe and Do-med. Adhering the principle of peace and non-violence, TYC focuses on the reformation and evolvement among Tibetan community to develop a genuine democratic society.

TYC website:

圖博(西藏)青年議會台灣分會 RTYC Taiwan 簡介

圖博(西藏)青年議會台灣分會(Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan)於2004年成立。目前主席為札西慈仁Tashi Tsering,副主席為丹增群佩Denzing Chomphel,秘書長為青美多杰Chime Dorjee。



圖博(西藏)青年議會(Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC)簡介

圖博(西藏)青年議會(Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC)簡介



其成立宗旨乃是為了促成 西藏領土的完整歸還及獨立自主而奮鬥,遵循非暴力、和平的原則 ;並且強調西藏族群的改變革新,以期發展出真正民主的社會。
