Monday, January 25, 2010
中國:備受矚目的谷歌和中國之間的爭議,聚焦在互聯網審查的問題上。一些民主和人權團體迄今仍抱持謹慎樂觀的態度,對於爭取在中國互聯網上的言論自由,可能會帶來全球性影響的突破。 1月13日,國際援藏運動(International Campaign for Tibet)發表聲明,稱它是“審檢防火牆上的裂縫,並樹立了新的典範。” 自由西藏學生組織(Students for Free Tibet)發表聲明,稱讚谷歌的宣布,撤除在中國審查搜索的結果,提醒大眾2006年SFT抵制谷歌推出Google.cn運動,並指出一名在美國史丹福大學的SFT維權人士,其使用的Gmail帳號,遭到駭客入侵。無疆界記者組織(Reporters Without Borders)歡迎谷歌這項宣布;幾天後,該新聞自由組織譴責,數名駐北京的外國記者,其谷歌電子郵件帳號受到網絡攻擊,“打電話給[中國] 工業和信息產業部抱怨。“ 楊建利,公民力量(Initiatives for China)創辦人,稱許谷歌所堅持的立場,同時告誡它“不退出中國,至少不要不戰而敗”。
1月16日的一場頒獎典禮上,大衛喬高 (David Kilgour),WFDA的合作夥伴,同時也是加拿大前亞太司長,以及加拿大人權律師大衛.麥塔斯(David Matas),授頒予2009年世界人權獎,該獎項由瑞士國際人權協會主辦。他們是公認的主張終結在中國器官的販賣行為,並且喬高在接受提名的演講時,提請國際關注法輪功遭到迫害,以及中國人權律師高智晟失蹤的案件。
1月6日,全球民主標竿前捷克總統哈維爾(Vaclav Havel),試圖向中共駐布拉格大使館遞交,要求釋放08憲章起草人劉曉波請願書,劉在去年12月25日被判處11年的有期徒刑,但中共大使館拒絕打開大門受理他的請願。詳細內容,請讀取維權網(Chinese Human Rights Defenders)所公布的聲明。
西藏:12月29日判處電影導演頓珠旺青(Dhondup Wangchen)6年有期徒刑;西藏青年會與無疆界記者發佈新聞聲明,共同譴責這項宣判。
WFDA report highlights Google censorship case and unjust Chinese arrests
Saturday, 23 January 2010 16:02 Amy Elmgren, The Tibet Post
The World Forum for Democracy in Asia (WFDA) published a press release on the latest human rights abuses and positive developments in the region. The report highlighted events in China and Tibet, noted below.
China: The high-profile dispute between Google and China has put the spotlight on issues of internet censorship. Some democracy and human rights groups are cautiously optimistic that this could be a breakthrough in the struggle for Internet freedom in China, which would have worldwide implications. On 13 January, the International Campaign for Tibet issued a statement calling it "a crack in the wall of censorship that sets a new standard." Students for Free Tibet released a statement praising Google for announcing it would end its censorship of search results in China, reminding the public of SFT's 2006 campaign to boycott Google in response to the launch of, and pointing out that an SFT activist at Stanford University was one of the Gmail users whose accounts were hacked. Reporters Without Borders also welcomed Google's announcement; a few days later the press freedom organization condemned cyber-attacks on the Google email accounts of several Beijing-based foreign journalists, "call[ing] on [China's ]ministry of industry and information technology to provide an explanation." Yang Jianli, founder of Initiatives for China, also applauded Google's stance, while cautioning it "not to withdraw from China ¡V at least, not without a fight."
In a ceremony on 16 January, the Hon. David Kilgour, WFDA partner and former Canadian Secretary of State, together with human rights lawyer David Matas, were awarded the 2009 Human Rights Awardby the Swiss Section of the International Society of Human Rights. They were recognized for their advocacy to end the trafficking of organs in China, and Kilgour's acceptance speech drew attention to the persecution of Falun Gong and the disappearance of Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng.
On 6 January, global democracy icon Vaclav Havel attempted to deliver a petition calling for the release of Charter '08 founder Liu Xiaobo, who was sentenced to 11 years in prison on 25 December, but the Chinese embassy in Prague refused to open the door to meet him. For more details, read the statement from Chinese Human Rights Defenders.
Tibet: The 29 December sentencing of filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen to six years imprisonment was condemned in a press release from the Tibetan Youth Congress and another statement from Reporters Without Borders.
The World Forum for Democracy in Asia (WFDA) published a press release on the latest human rights abuses and positive developments in the region. The report highlighted events in China and Tibet, noted below.
China: The high-profile dispute between Google and China has put the spotlight on issues of internet censorship. Some democracy and human rights groups are cautiously optimistic that this could be a breakthrough in the struggle for Internet freedom in China, which would have worldwide implications. On 13 January, the International Campaign for Tibet issued a statement calling it "a crack in the wall of censorship that sets a new standard." Students for Free Tibet released a statement praising Google for announcing it would end its censorship of search results in China, reminding the public of SFT's 2006 campaign to boycott Google in response to the launch of, and pointing out that an SFT activist at Stanford University was one of the Gmail users whose accounts were hacked. Reporters Without Borders also welcomed Google's announcement; a few days later the press freedom organization condemned cyber-attacks on the Google email accounts of several Beijing-based foreign journalists, "call[ing] on [China's ]ministry of industry and information technology to provide an explanation." Yang Jianli, founder of Initiatives for China, also applauded Google's stance, while cautioning it "not to withdraw from China ¡V at least, not without a fight."
In a ceremony on 16 January, the Hon. David Kilgour, WFDA partner and former Canadian Secretary of State, together with human rights lawyer David Matas, were awarded the 2009 Human Rights Awardby the Swiss Section of the International Society of Human Rights. They were recognized for their advocacy to end the trafficking of organs in China, and Kilgour's acceptance speech drew attention to the persecution of Falun Gong and the disappearance of Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng.
On 6 January, global democracy icon Vaclav Havel attempted to deliver a petition calling for the release of Charter '08 founder Liu Xiaobo, who was sentenced to 11 years in prison on 25 December, but the Chinese embassy in Prague refused to open the door to meet him. For more details, read the statement from Chinese Human Rights Defenders.
Tibet: The 29 December sentencing of filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen to six years imprisonment was condemned in a press release from the Tibetan Youth Congress and another statement from Reporters Without Borders.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
時間:2010/1/13 06:01
撰稿‧編輯:吳寧康 新聞引據:Freedom House 、採訪
人權組織「自由之家」(Freedom House)12日發表年度報告,在2009年全球共有89國名列自由國家,在受評比的194國家中佔46%、在世界總人口也佔46%。而不自由國家則有 47個,佔評比國家的24%,全球有超過23億人過著基本政治權利和公民自由不受尊重的生活,其中,中國就佔了一半。至於被評比為部份自由國家則有58 個,佔總國家數的30%、總人口的20%。
報告指出,在47個名列不自由國家中,有9個國家和一個地區在「政治權利」和「公民自由」兩項評比中,被列為「表現最差」(Worst of the Worst),分別是緬甸、赤道幾內亞、厄利垂亞、利比亞、北韓、索馬利亞、蘇丹、西藏、土庫曼和烏茲別克。
周三, 2010年 01月 06日 15:00 Yangyal Sham, The Tibet Post International
據昨日一個藏語博客的報導,青海省會西寧的中級人民法院,於 2009年12月28日判處西藏導演,34歲的頓珠旺青,6年有期徒刑。
他的表弟嘉央慈誠(Gyaljong Tsetrin)在 2002年逃離西藏,並得到瑞士給予政治庇護,他表示對於頓珠旺青遭受不公平待遇,感到非常難過。 “中共當局對於頓珠旺青的判決,揭露了境內西藏人民沒有言論自由的真相。迄今,沒有任何有關頓珠旺青的逮捕和審判官方文件,提供給他的家人。甚至去年,他的中國律師文迫放棄受理他的案件。對於這種不公平的判決,我深感痛心。“他說。
旺青的妻子,拉姆措(Lhamo Tso),目前與旺青的父母和他們的4個孩子,居住在西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛尊者所在地,北印度城市達蘭薩拉。
據昨日一個藏語博客的報導,青海省會西寧的中級人民法院,於 2009年12月28日判處西藏導演,34歲的頓珠旺青,6年有期徒刑。
他的表弟嘉央慈誠(Gyaljong Tsetrin)在 2002年逃離西藏,並得到瑞士給予政治庇護,他表示對於頓珠旺青遭受不公平待遇,感到非常難過。 “中共當局對於頓珠旺青的判決,揭露了境內西藏人民沒有言論自由的真相。迄今,沒有任何有關頓珠旺青的逮捕和審判官方文件,提供給他的家人。甚至去年,他的中國律師文迫放棄受理他的案件。對於這種不公平的判決,我深感痛心。“他說。
旺青的妻子,拉姆措(Lhamo Tso),目前與旺青的父母和他們的4個孩子,居住在西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛尊者所在地,北印度城市達蘭薩拉。
Sunday, January 3, 2010
周五, 2010年 01月 01日 12:26 Amy Elmgren and Yangyal Sham, The Tibet Post
『國際西藏郵報2010年1月1日達蘭薩拉報導』上個月,數百名西藏人在理塘縣進行絕食抗議,要求釋放丹增德勒仁波切(Tenzin Delek Ringpoche),仁波切是當地備受尊崇的宗教領袖,遭中共當局誣陷逮捕。中共當局鎮壓示威來回應絕食的訴求,160人被逮捕,20人受到重傷。
尼瑪旺珠(Nyima Wangchu)法師,是丹增德勒仁波切的學生,目前定居印度,說明中共當局對於仁波切的審判和判決,他說,“第一,中共當局不實指控仁波切策畫謀反,煽動成都和康定縣的炸彈爆炸事件,也策畫炸毀理塘薩都凱岡仁波切(Shakduk Kyagong)居住地。為了欺暪西藏人民,減少他們對仁波切的信賴,在沒有任何證據或核查的情況下,警方還撒謊,在仁波切家裡找到女人的物品。但是, [西藏]人民都清楚地知道,這是漢人的詭計,因為大樓爆炸發生後,成都在中共重重的安管之下,無法允許一般人接近。“
丹增德勒活佛,1950年出生在藏東理塘縣,7歲時進入理塘寺學習。現年 49歲的活佛,最初被判處入獄兩年,隨後卻因“煽動分裂”、“爆炸”和“非法持有槍械、彈藥”被判處死刑,2005年時,改判無期徒刑。
並發送一份備忘錄,致印度總理辛格(Manhoman Singh),聯合國秘書長潘基文(Ban Kyi Moon)和中國國家主席胡錦濤。
『國際西藏郵報2010年1月1日達蘭薩拉報導』上個月,數百名西藏人在理塘縣進行絕食抗議,要求釋放丹增德勒仁波切(Tenzin Delek Ringpoche),仁波切是當地備受尊崇的宗教領袖,遭中共當局誣陷逮捕。中共當局鎮壓示威來回應絕食的訴求,160人被逮捕,20人受到重傷。
尼瑪旺珠(Nyima Wangchu)法師,是丹增德勒仁波切的學生,目前定居印度,說明中共當局對於仁波切的審判和判決,他說,“第一,中共當局不實指控仁波切策畫謀反,煽動成都和康定縣的炸彈爆炸事件,也策畫炸毀理塘薩都凱岡仁波切(Shakduk Kyagong)居住地。為了欺暪西藏人民,減少他們對仁波切的信賴,在沒有任何證據或核查的情況下,警方還撒謊,在仁波切家裡找到女人的物品。但是, [西藏]人民都清楚地知道,這是漢人的詭計,因為大樓爆炸發生後,成都在中共重重的安管之下,無法允許一般人接近。“
丹增德勒活佛,1950年出生在藏東理塘縣,7歲時進入理塘寺學習。現年 49歲的活佛,最初被判處入獄兩年,隨後卻因“煽動分裂”、“爆炸”和“非法持有槍械、彈藥”被判處死刑,2005年時,改判無期徒刑。
並發送一份備忘錄,致印度總理辛格(Manhoman Singh),聯合國秘書長潘基文(Ban Kyi Moon)和中國國家主席胡錦濤。
Members of the Tibetan Youth Congress held a strong protest against the Chinese government in New Delhi
New Delhi: 31st December 2009 - The members of Tibetan youth congress held a strong protest against the Chinese government to condemn the suppression of recent peaceful protest in Tibet's Nyaghchuka County. The protest started at 10 am with a prayer and a minute of silence to pay respect to those who sacrificed their life for the cause of Tibet. The protesters were wearing the Tibetan national flag and Tibetan Youth Council flag to protest against deteriorating human rights conditions inside Tibet. Most of the protesters were college students who came to attend the TYC Youth Leadership Workshop. We received very good coverage from local and international media.
Today, as the world celebrates the welcoming of the New Year 2010, we are very concerned about the continuing detention and deteriorating health of Tulku Tenzin Delek. After the hours of protest we submitted the memorandum to Indian Prime Minister and to Hu Jintao, through Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of India.
Tibetan Youth Congress, on behalf of six million Tibetans, appeal to human rights groups and the international community to call on the Chinese government to exercise restraint, to respect the human rights of Tibetans and peacefully resolve the volatile situation in Nyagchuka County in Karze, Tibet by addressing the legitimate grievances of the local Tibetans.
Lhakpa Tsering made a short note in Tibetan regarding the importance of this protest and urged the United Nations to be more practical.
Just after the protest at Jantar Mantar, protesters went to protest at the UN Information office to urge the United Nations to follow up and fulfill the assurance to Tibetan Youth Congress, upon the demand of our 2004 New York Hunger Strike, to take up the case of Tulku Tenzin Delek with the Chinese Government for his immediate and unconditional release. Protesters also urged for the immediate release of Panchen Gedhun, Choekyi Nyima and all the political prisoners, and put pressure on the Chinese government to improve the Human Rights situation in Tibet. After the half an hour of protest outside the UN Information office, Tsultrim Dorjee (Information Secretary) and Lhakapa Tsering (Cultural Secretary) were called inside to submit the memorandum. Mr. Sharma, the Information Officer of UN Information Center, assured that they will forward this to UNHCHR and to the concerned department. Tsultrim Dorjee and Lhakpa Tsering briefed both the Tibetan and foreign media.
* Tibetan Youth Congress condemns China’s suppression of peaceful protests in Tibet’s Nyagchuka County
* Tibetan Youth Congress expresses deep concerns over the suspicious death of a Tibetan Nun
* Appeal to the United Nations, to follow up on the assurance expressed by the UN
Today, as the world celebrates the welcoming of the New Year 2010, we are very concerned about the continuing detention and deteriorating health of Tulku Tenzin Delek. After the hours of protest we submitted the memorandum to Indian Prime Minister and to Hu Jintao, through Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of India.
Tibetan Youth Congress, on behalf of six million Tibetans, appeal to human rights groups and the international community to call on the Chinese government to exercise restraint, to respect the human rights of Tibetans and peacefully resolve the volatile situation in Nyagchuka County in Karze, Tibet by addressing the legitimate grievances of the local Tibetans.
Lhakpa Tsering made a short note in Tibetan regarding the importance of this protest and urged the United Nations to be more practical.
Just after the protest at Jantar Mantar, protesters went to protest at the UN Information office to urge the United Nations to follow up and fulfill the assurance to Tibetan Youth Congress, upon the demand of our 2004 New York Hunger Strike, to take up the case of Tulku Tenzin Delek with the Chinese Government for his immediate and unconditional release. Protesters also urged for the immediate release of Panchen Gedhun, Choekyi Nyima and all the political prisoners, and put pressure on the Chinese government to improve the Human Rights situation in Tibet. After the half an hour of protest outside the UN Information office, Tsultrim Dorjee (Information Secretary) and Lhakapa Tsering (Cultural Secretary) were called inside to submit the memorandum. Mr. Sharma, the Information Officer of UN Information Center, assured that they will forward this to UNHCHR and to the concerned department. Tsultrim Dorjee and Lhakpa Tsering briefed both the Tibetan and foreign media.
* Tibetan Youth Congress condemns China’s suppression of peaceful protests in Tibet’s Nyagchuka County
* Tibetan Youth Congress expresses deep concerns over the suspicious death of a Tibetan Nun
* Appeal to the United Nations, to follow up on the assurance expressed by the UN
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