【圖一】札西慈仁(Tashi Tsering)發言
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
時間:2008年12月20日(週六) 上午10時至12時
地點:自由廣場 (台北市中山南路台灣民主紀念館正門)
連署發起團體 (聯絡人:王興中 0939 321 179)
野草莓學生運動 (聯絡人:林竣達0910 152 628)
10:00~10:10 宣讀聲明, 報告連署情形
10:10~10:40 連署人代表發言
10:40~12:00 現場開放討論
連署人代表:(開放連署者自由參加, 不限於下列名單)
黃 默 (東吳大學端木愷講座教授) 楊長鎮 (鄭南榕基金會執行長)
陳昭如 (台大法律系副教授) 張鐵志 (作家)
周富美 (台灣新聞記者協會執委) 阿 潑 (《看不見的北京》作者)
札西慈仁 (西藏青年議會台灣分會主席) 王 丹 (中國憲政協進會主席)
1. 立即釋放劉曉波先生,並停止騷擾及迫害《零八憲章》的連署人。
2. 對《零八憲章》所提出的建議,作出公開的回應。
3. 尊重國際人權公約及中國憲法賦予中國公民的權利,尊重表達意見的自由。
時間:2008年12月20日(週六) 上午10時至12時
地點:自由廣場 (台北市中山南路台灣民主紀念館正門)
連署發起團體 (聯絡人:王興中 0939 321 179)
野草莓學生運動 (聯絡人:林竣達0910 152 628)
10:00~10:10 宣讀聲明, 報告連署情形
10:10~10:40 連署人代表發言
10:40~12:00 現場開放討論
連署人代表:(開放連署者自由參加, 不限於下列名單)
黃 默 (東吳大學端木愷講座教授) 楊長鎮 (鄭南榕基金會執行長)
陳昭如 (台大法律系副教授) 張鐵志 (作家)
周富美 (台灣新聞記者協會執委) 阿 潑 (《看不見的北京》作者)
札西慈仁 (西藏青年議會台灣分會主席) 王 丹 (中國憲政協進會主席)
1. 立即釋放劉曉波先生,並停止騷擾及迫害《零八憲章》的連署人。
2. 對《零八憲章》所提出的建議,作出公開的回應。
3. 尊重國際人權公約及中國憲法賦予中國公民的權利,尊重表達意見的自由。
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
2008年12月10日國際人權日及世界人權宣言60週年當天,達賴喇嘛官方華文網站正式開通。達賴喇嘛就網站開通發表公告全文如下:“第十四世達賴喇 嘛官方國際華文網站於12月10日「世界人權日」正式開通。達賴喇嘛個人網站旨在傳達 達賴喇嘛尊者相關重要訊息,並介紹達賴喇嘛尊者的使命與理念。中文網站的目的是讓更多華人兄弟姊妹認識並瞭解達賴喇嘛,同時弘揚愛心與慈悲,和平與普世責 任。
Thursday, December 11, 2008
2008年12月10日國際人權日,也是世界宣言60週年,在台北大安森林公園有一場人權音樂盛宴~【自由之音‧西藏之聲2008 Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei】。
這場音樂會是由自由西藏國際學聯(Students for a Free Tibet / SFT)、西藏(圖博)青年議會(Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan / RTYC-Taiwan)以及台灣人權促進會(Taiwan Association for Human Rights / TAHR)所主辦,希望藉此讓台灣人民甚至全世界都聽到西藏真正的聲音。
隨後,由藏青會台灣分會主席札西慈仁(Tashi Tsering)領唱西藏國歌,現場氣氛令人動容;而自由西藏國際學聯執行長Lhadon Tethong女士的演講,她表示「西藏人民需要台灣人民的支持,支持我們的非暴力抗爭,讓中國政府和全世界知道,正義與自由應該獲得伸張。在此,我們也要告訴台灣人民,我們支持你們。西藏人民已經失去這麼多,我們不希望台灣人民也同樣失去西藏目前正在努力爭取的自由。」則讓現場想起了熱烈的掌聲。
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
自由之音.西藏之聲 Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei 2008
Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei 2008
表演者 Performer:Techung、 陳永淘Chen Yung Tao
演出日期 Date:2008年12月10日 / December 10, 2008
演出時間 Time: 18:30~21:30
演出地點 Venue:大安森林公園舞台區 / Da-An Forest Park
主辦單位 Organizer:
Students for a Free Tibet 自由西藏國際學聯
Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan 西藏(圖博)青年議會
Taiwan Association for Human Rights 台灣人權促進會
Techung是一位著名的西藏歌手,目前居住在美國洛杉磯。他不僅擅長西藏的傳統音樂及歌劇,也創作現代西藏歌曲。不管是當代的或者是傳統的音樂表演,Techung期待西藏的音樂在藏人社區重新流行起來、豐富的西藏文化音樂表現也能夠讓全世界聽見。Techung Band的成員包括:Tashi Sharzur、Michel Tyabji、Kito Rodriguez、Bryan Velasco。
2003年,在德蘭薩拉所舉辦的第一屆的【西藏音樂大獎】(Tibetan Music Awards)上,Techung的創作被選為「最佳現代傳統音樂」。之後,他的音樂也被收錄在「聖母峰」(Everest)、 「夢想的拉薩」(Dreaming Lhasa)等暢銷的電影中。
Techung悠揚渾厚的歌聲,會給人一種清風拂面吹來,置身在西藏高原的感受。適逢世界人權宣言60週年,藉由【自由之音.西藏之聲( Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei 2008)】,希望Techung為台灣、西藏甚至全世界支持人權的人,捎來和平的訊息。
陳永淘(CHEN Yung Tao),所有人都叫他阿淘哥,是台灣最重要的客家歌手及創作者之一。 「阿淘哥歷經四十年豐富的生活經驗後,不斷沉澱對人生社會深刻體會而創作,內容包括對人性、社會的深刻反省及批判,並以幽默、嘲諷的手法,抒發人間實象。歌曲探討的主題寬廣,有對個人童年生活的懷念、對社會扭曲發展的唾棄、對文明慾望的質疑、對台灣原住民族群的關切,以及對現代人性失落的悲鳴。他的歌,有畫面,有生動的鄉土味,這種觸動的感覺,鮮活而真實 。」 (參考吳聲淼「 新客家童謠創作者──陳永淘」一文)
Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei 2008
表演者 Performer:Techung、 陳永淘Chen Yung Tao
演出日期 Date:2008年12月10日 / December 10, 2008
演出時間 Time: 18:30~21:30
演出地點 Venue:大安森林公園舞台區 / Da-An Forest Park
主辦單位 Organizer:
Students for a Free Tibet 自由西藏國際學聯
Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan 西藏(圖博)青年議會
Taiwan Association for Human Rights 台灣人權促進會
Techung是一位著名的西藏歌手,目前居住在美國洛杉磯。他不僅擅長西藏的傳統音樂及歌劇,也創作現代西藏歌曲。不管是當代的或者是傳統的音樂表演,Techung期待西藏的音樂在藏人社區重新流行起來、豐富的西藏文化音樂表現也能夠讓全世界聽見。Techung Band的成員包括:Tashi Sharzur、Michel Tyabji、Kito Rodriguez、Bryan Velasco。
2003年,在德蘭薩拉所舉辦的第一屆的【西藏音樂大獎】(Tibetan Music Awards)上,Techung的創作被選為「最佳現代傳統音樂」。之後,他的音樂也被收錄在「聖母峰」(Everest)、 「夢想的拉薩」(Dreaming Lhasa)等暢銷的電影中。
Techung悠揚渾厚的歌聲,會給人一種清風拂面吹來,置身在西藏高原的感受。適逢世界人權宣言60週年,藉由【自由之音.西藏之聲( Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei 2008)】,希望Techung為台灣、西藏甚至全世界支持人權的人,捎來和平的訊息。
陳永淘(CHEN Yung Tao),所有人都叫他阿淘哥,是台灣最重要的客家歌手及創作者之一。 「阿淘哥歷經四十年豐富的生活經驗後,不斷沉澱對人生社會深刻體會而創作,內容包括對人性、社會的深刻反省及批判,並以幽默、嘲諷的手法,抒發人間實象。歌曲探討的主題寬廣,有對個人童年生活的懷念、對社會扭曲發展的唾棄、對文明慾望的質疑、對台灣原住民族群的關切,以及對現代人性失落的悲鳴。他的歌,有畫面,有生動的鄉土味,這種觸動的感覺,鮮活而真實 。」 (參考吳聲淼「 新客家童謠創作者──陳永淘」一文)
Tibetan Youth Congress Statement on the 60th Anniversary of the World Human Rights Day
TYC Statement on the 60th Anniversary of the World Human Rights Day
Date: 10th December, 2008
The Human Rights Day is not just an occasion to celebrate, it is also one of stocktaking to assess the progress made in the protection of the basic rights of the entire human family in the world at large - especially in the small and weak nations. Today, as we observe the 60th anniversary, it is also an appropriate occasion to reflect on both the efforts and achievements of the UN, so far, for the protection of human rights in the Chinese occupied Tibet and around the world, with a view to prepare the agenda for the future in that direction.
As we commemorate the International Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, China's continued colonial occupation of Tibet remains the single largest challenge to the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. China continues to carry out its policy of genocide with impunity as Tibetans, Uigyurs of the East Turkistan, People of Southern Mongolia and Manchuria face a grim future under its colonial occupation. The mass migration of Chinese settlers into Tibet has marginalized and disenfranchised Tibetans making us a minority in our own country. China's transfer of millions of Chinese into Tibet to strengthen its occupation is leading to the extinction of the national identity of the Tibetan nation. The accelerated exploitation of Tibet's natural resources threatens Tibet's fragile environment.
We cannot contemplate the urgency for the need to resolve the issue of Tibet without understanding the vastness of the increasing deteriorating situation inside Tibet, the human rights crisis and without looking at the long history of the six decades of the brutal occupation under which Tibetans have suffered tremendously. China's colonial occupation of Tibet has resulted in the deaths of over 1.2 million Tibetans, destruction of over 6000 monasteries and the displacement of over 100,000 Tibetans who have been disrooted from their homes and forced to flee into exile following 1959. For almost as long as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been in place, Tibetans inside Tibet have been deprived of their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. The continued detention of the 11th Panchen Lama, Gendhun Choekyi Nyima is one illustrative example of China's blatant disregard for human rights.
The historic peaceful movement by Tibetans inside all three traditional provinces of Tibet since March 10th 2008 and their calls for independence demonstrate that Tibetans have never wavered in their determination to continue their struggle for the inherent rights and dignity of our people. Their nonviolent protests reflects their dissatisfaction with the status quo and demanded China to address the deeply held grievances of the Tibetan people.
China's merciless use of force and the brutal crackdown inside Tibet to crush the peaceful protests further infuriated the people of Tibet. This resulted in subsequent solidarity protests by Tibetans and Tibet supporters around the world. Eight months have passed since the demonstrations but Tibet still remains sealed, over two hundred deaths of Tibetans have been reported and thousands of Tibetans have disappeared. China continues to hold thousands of Tibetans in undisclosed locations and refuses to disclose their whereabouts and also to acknowlege their detention. China has rejected repeated calls from other governments and Internationally recognised NGO's for access into Tibet to hide its continuing endemic use of torture, abuse and terror.
30 Tibetans last April and Over 55 Tibetans in November this year have been unfairly sentenced by China for their participation in peaceful protests against China. The present trial proceedings are China's attempt to decieve the international community to show that China is a nation of laws and hide the fact that it continues to use coercive measures of subversion to silence dissent. The denial of a fair trial to Tibetans who have been subjected to unjust and harsh sentences for their participation in peaceful protests handed down by China's illegitimate courts in Tibet further illustrates that Tibetans cannot find justice in Chinese run courts that act as the weapon of the oppressors to persecute and prosecute Tibetan leaders, political activists and any Tibetan who voices dissent. Furthermore, China's illegitimate courts and state agents enforce an illegal military occupation of Tibet and function solely as a means of maintaining that occupation and repressing any and all resistance and oppositon. The courts undermine the Tibetan people's political activity and continue to make a mockery of justice.
Since the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human rights in 1948, the UN General Assembly has passed three resolutions on Tibet in 1959, 1961 and 1965 which were still lying without any implementation. And on the other side, China who has voted to adopt the Universal Declaration in 1948, and pledged to uphold human rights through international agreements and its own constitution continues to ignore and violate all the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other Covenants it has signed. Therefore, we appeal to the United Nations and its member states to take concrete actions against China to resolve the issue of Tibet before it is too late.
The meagre response from foreign governments to the continuing crimes against humanity and cultural genocide inside Tibet without meaningful international force and serious pressure on China has emboldened China to continue its brutal occupation of Tibet.We must ensure that those directing the atrocities in Tibet are brought to justice. We appeal to the International community to not remain indifferent to the sufferings of the Tibetan people and to continue your support for the just struggle of the Tibetans.
On this Human Rights day, we honor the never surrendering Tibetans inside Tibet and the political prisoners who continue to fight for our common goal. The constant defiance of Chinese rule by our brave brethrens inside Tibet is our only strength that transcends all material bounds and touches the deeply rooted human need for a meaningful existence and articulates the aspirations and the grievances of the six million Tibetans inside Tibet. We who are in the free world resolve to continue our struggle from exile and overcome any challenges that lie ahead. We resolve to strengthen our democracy in exile and renew our commitment to struggle for the independence of Tibet even at the cost of one's life.
Issued by the Office of Central Executive Committee of the Tibetan Youth Congress
Date: 10th December, 2008
The Human Rights Day is not just an occasion to celebrate, it is also one of stocktaking to assess the progress made in the protection of the basic rights of the entire human family in the world at large - especially in the small and weak nations. Today, as we observe the 60th anniversary, it is also an appropriate occasion to reflect on both the efforts and achievements of the UN, so far, for the protection of human rights in the Chinese occupied Tibet and around the world, with a view to prepare the agenda for the future in that direction.
As we commemorate the International Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, China's continued colonial occupation of Tibet remains the single largest challenge to the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. China continues to carry out its policy of genocide with impunity as Tibetans, Uigyurs of the East Turkistan, People of Southern Mongolia and Manchuria face a grim future under its colonial occupation. The mass migration of Chinese settlers into Tibet has marginalized and disenfranchised Tibetans making us a minority in our own country. China's transfer of millions of Chinese into Tibet to strengthen its occupation is leading to the extinction of the national identity of the Tibetan nation. The accelerated exploitation of Tibet's natural resources threatens Tibet's fragile environment.
We cannot contemplate the urgency for the need to resolve the issue of Tibet without understanding the vastness of the increasing deteriorating situation inside Tibet, the human rights crisis and without looking at the long history of the six decades of the brutal occupation under which Tibetans have suffered tremendously. China's colonial occupation of Tibet has resulted in the deaths of over 1.2 million Tibetans, destruction of over 6000 monasteries and the displacement of over 100,000 Tibetans who have been disrooted from their homes and forced to flee into exile following 1959. For almost as long as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been in place, Tibetans inside Tibet have been deprived of their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. The continued detention of the 11th Panchen Lama, Gendhun Choekyi Nyima is one illustrative example of China's blatant disregard for human rights.
The historic peaceful movement by Tibetans inside all three traditional provinces of Tibet since March 10th 2008 and their calls for independence demonstrate that Tibetans have never wavered in their determination to continue their struggle for the inherent rights and dignity of our people. Their nonviolent protests reflects their dissatisfaction with the status quo and demanded China to address the deeply held grievances of the Tibetan people.
China's merciless use of force and the brutal crackdown inside Tibet to crush the peaceful protests further infuriated the people of Tibet. This resulted in subsequent solidarity protests by Tibetans and Tibet supporters around the world. Eight months have passed since the demonstrations but Tibet still remains sealed, over two hundred deaths of Tibetans have been reported and thousands of Tibetans have disappeared. China continues to hold thousands of Tibetans in undisclosed locations and refuses to disclose their whereabouts and also to acknowlege their detention. China has rejected repeated calls from other governments and Internationally recognised NGO's for access into Tibet to hide its continuing endemic use of torture, abuse and terror.
30 Tibetans last April and Over 55 Tibetans in November this year have been unfairly sentenced by China for their participation in peaceful protests against China. The present trial proceedings are China's attempt to decieve the international community to show that China is a nation of laws and hide the fact that it continues to use coercive measures of subversion to silence dissent. The denial of a fair trial to Tibetans who have been subjected to unjust and harsh sentences for their participation in peaceful protests handed down by China's illegitimate courts in Tibet further illustrates that Tibetans cannot find justice in Chinese run courts that act as the weapon of the oppressors to persecute and prosecute Tibetan leaders, political activists and any Tibetan who voices dissent. Furthermore, China's illegitimate courts and state agents enforce an illegal military occupation of Tibet and function solely as a means of maintaining that occupation and repressing any and all resistance and oppositon. The courts undermine the Tibetan people's political activity and continue to make a mockery of justice.
Since the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human rights in 1948, the UN General Assembly has passed three resolutions on Tibet in 1959, 1961 and 1965 which were still lying without any implementation. And on the other side, China who has voted to adopt the Universal Declaration in 1948, and pledged to uphold human rights through international agreements and its own constitution continues to ignore and violate all the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other Covenants it has signed. Therefore, we appeal to the United Nations and its member states to take concrete actions against China to resolve the issue of Tibet before it is too late.
The meagre response from foreign governments to the continuing crimes against humanity and cultural genocide inside Tibet without meaningful international force and serious pressure on China has emboldened China to continue its brutal occupation of Tibet.We must ensure that those directing the atrocities in Tibet are brought to justice. We appeal to the International community to not remain indifferent to the sufferings of the Tibetan people and to continue your support for the just struggle of the Tibetans.
On this Human Rights day, we honor the never surrendering Tibetans inside Tibet and the political prisoners who continue to fight for our common goal. The constant defiance of Chinese rule by our brave brethrens inside Tibet is our only strength that transcends all material bounds and touches the deeply rooted human need for a meaningful existence and articulates the aspirations and the grievances of the six million Tibetans inside Tibet. We who are in the free world resolve to continue our struggle from exile and overcome any challenges that lie ahead. We resolve to strengthen our democracy in exile and renew our commitment to struggle for the independence of Tibet even at the cost of one's life.
Issued by the Office of Central Executive Committee of the Tibetan Youth Congress
Friday, December 5, 2008
【20081205 新聞稿】自由西藏國際學聯(Students for a Free Tibet, SFT)執行長、副執行長來台 巡迴校園與青年學生分享
【Free Tibet~青年流亡者的凝望與呼喚!】
自由西藏國際學聯(Students for a Free Tibet, SFT)執行長、副執行長來台巡迴校園與青年學生分享
Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) 的執行長Lhadon Tethong女士與SFT副執行長Tenzin Dorjee先生來台訪問,於各大專院校進行巡迴演講。
SFT於1994年由旅居美國的西藏學生及支持西藏自由與民主的年青人在紐約市成立 ,並迅速發展成一個國際網絡,於35個國家,650個高中、大學與社區成立分部。SFT強調以非暴力方式追求西藏的自由與獨立,透過教育及草根組織宣揚政治自由,並培育年青學生從事社會正義活動。
Lhadon Tethong與Tenzin Dorjee昨天受花蓮東華大學原住民族學院之邀,已經展開來台第一場演講。Lhadon表示,在西藏完全沒有人權、沒有言論自由,西藏人的痛苦無法說出來,所以像他們這樣流亡在外的西藏人一定要為西藏發聲。同時她也表示在美國就聽聞台灣學生的野草莓運動,她支持學生勇敢站出來為人權、為言論自由、集會遊行自由而奮鬥!
12月10日世界人權宣言60週年當天,則由SFT、西藏(圖博)青年議會(Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan) 、台灣人權促進會共同舉辦【自由之音.西藏之聲~Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei 2008】音樂會,邀請著名的西藏歌手Techung及陳永淘演唱。演唱會時間為晚上6:30~9:30,地點在大安森林公園舞台區。
自由西藏國際學聯(Students for a Free Tibet, SFT)執行長、副執行長來台巡迴校園與青年學生分享
Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) 的執行長Lhadon Tethong女士與SFT副執行長Tenzin Dorjee先生來台訪問,於各大專院校進行巡迴演講。
SFT於1994年由旅居美國的西藏學生及支持西藏自由與民主的年青人在紐約市成立 ,並迅速發展成一個國際網絡,於35個國家,650個高中、大學與社區成立分部。SFT強調以非暴力方式追求西藏的自由與獨立,透過教育及草根組織宣揚政治自由,並培育年青學生從事社會正義活動。
Lhadon Tethong與Tenzin Dorjee昨天受花蓮東華大學原住民族學院之邀,已經展開來台第一場演講。Lhadon表示,在西藏完全沒有人權、沒有言論自由,西藏人的痛苦無法說出來,所以像他們這樣流亡在外的西藏人一定要為西藏發聲。同時她也表示在美國就聽聞台灣學生的野草莓運動,她支持學生勇敢站出來為人權、為言論自由、集會遊行自由而奮鬥!
12月10日世界人權宣言60週年當天,則由SFT、西藏(圖博)青年議會(Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan) 、台灣人權促進會共同舉辦【自由之音.西藏之聲~Tibet Freedom Concert in Taipei 2008】音樂會,邀請著名的西藏歌手Techung及陳永淘演唱。演唱會時間為晚上6:30~9:30,地點在大安森林公園舞台區。
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
[活動通知]Free Tibet~青年流亡者的凝望與呼喚(1205台灣大學)
講 者:Lhadon Tethong女士(Students for a Free Tibet 執行長)
時 間:十二月五日(星期五),10:00-12:00
地 點:第二教學研究大樓,D0415教室
1994年,旅居美國的西藏學生及支持西藏自由與民主的年青人在紐約市成立Students for a Free Tibet (SFT),並迅速發展成一個國際網絡,於35個國家,650個高中、大學與社區成立分部。SFT強調以非暴力方式追求西藏的自由與獨立,透過教育及草根組織宣揚政治自由,並培育年青學生從事社會正義活動。SFT 的執行長Lhadon Tethong女士從事西藏自由運動多年,其演說吸引無數學生關注西藏問題。這次她與SFT副執行長Tenzin Dorjee先生來台訪問,於各大專院校進行巡迴演講,介紹西藏當前局勢與SFT的工作。
講 者:Lhadon Tethong女士(Students for a Free Tibet 執行長)
時 間:十二月五日(星期五),10:00-12:00
地 點:第二教學研究大樓,D0415教室
1994年,旅居美國的西藏學生及支持西藏自由與民主的年青人在紐約市成立Students for a Free Tibet (SFT),並迅速發展成一個國際網絡,於35個國家,650個高中、大學與社區成立分部。SFT強調以非暴力方式追求西藏的自由與獨立,透過教育及草根組織宣揚政治自由,並培育年青學生從事社會正義活動。SFT 的執行長Lhadon Tethong女士從事西藏自由運動多年,其演說吸引無數學生關注西藏問題。這次她與SFT副執行長Tenzin Dorjee先生來台訪問,於各大專院校進行巡迴演講,介紹西藏當前局勢與SFT的工作。
Monday, December 1, 2008
50 Years Dream of Homeland, Half a Century in Exile
50 Years Dream of Homeland, Half a Century in Exile
TIBET! You should know……
60 years ago on December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, to promote and protect Human Rights of the world.
59 years ago, China made a forceful entry by devastating and condemning the Tibetan people, culture and religion and completely suppressed the Tibetan’s human rights beginning in 1949.
19 years ago on December 10, 1989 the spiritual leader of Tibet, 14th Dalai Lama was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for his work on peace and non-violence. He advocated peaceful solutions based upon tolerance and mutual respect in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Tibet.
Acts of Violence>>
Tibet was an independent nation. Tibet had its own government, its own language, currency, postal system and legal system. Tibet also had her own unique culture and religion.
Ever since the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1949, it has caused:
In the 1970’s
1.2 million Tibetans had died as a result of the Chinese occupation (approximately 20% of the total Tibetan population)
6,259 monasteries have been totally destroyed. Only 13 notable monasteries remain.
In the year 1997
At least 1,216 political prisoners were confined.
2,827 Tibetan Buddhist monks were forced to leave their monasteries.
165 people were arrested as they refused to abandon their religion.
About 10 people died under severe torture in Tibet.
9 monks and nuns died of severe persecution.
March 2008 Demonstration
Over 200 Tibetans died as a result of their demonstration.
1,200 people were beaten.
6,000 people were arrested.
Thousands have “disappeared”.
All the monasteries are now in complete control by the Chinese troops.
In Exile>>
Tibet has 6 million people. In 1959, approximately 80,000 Tibetan refugees followed His Holiness the Dalai Lama and left from their homeland to go into exile in India.
Since the 1990’s, Tibetan exiles to India amounted to 3,000 each year.
Today, over 130,000 Tibetans are in exile.
Tibet was invaded by China
Tibetans have been in exile for over half a century
There is a severe suppression on Tibetan’s human rights, Tibetan culture and religion is going under genocide.
Despite Tibetan’s desire for human rights, religion and national autonomy, China has continued to use military force in Tibet.
Tibetan people’s resistance is not against China, but to display their desire to protect the legitimate rights of the Tibetan people and their rich and valuable culture.
TIBET! You should know……
60 years ago on December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, to promote and protect Human Rights of the world.
59 years ago, China made a forceful entry by devastating and condemning the Tibetan people, culture and religion and completely suppressed the Tibetan’s human rights beginning in 1949.
19 years ago on December 10, 1989 the spiritual leader of Tibet, 14th Dalai Lama was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for his work on peace and non-violence. He advocated peaceful solutions based upon tolerance and mutual respect in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Tibet.
Acts of Violence>>
Tibet was an independent nation. Tibet had its own government, its own language, currency, postal system and legal system. Tibet also had her own unique culture and religion.
Ever since the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1949, it has caused:
In the 1970’s
1.2 million Tibetans had died as a result of the Chinese occupation (approximately 20% of the total Tibetan population)
6,259 monasteries have been totally destroyed. Only 13 notable monasteries remain.
In the year 1997
At least 1,216 political prisoners were confined.
2,827 Tibetan Buddhist monks were forced to leave their monasteries.
165 people were arrested as they refused to abandon their religion.
About 10 people died under severe torture in Tibet.
9 monks and nuns died of severe persecution.
March 2008 Demonstration
Over 200 Tibetans died as a result of their demonstration.
1,200 people were beaten.
6,000 people were arrested.
Thousands have “disappeared”.
All the monasteries are now in complete control by the Chinese troops.
In Exile>>
Tibet has 6 million people. In 1959, approximately 80,000 Tibetan refugees followed His Holiness the Dalai Lama and left from their homeland to go into exile in India.
Since the 1990’s, Tibetan exiles to India amounted to 3,000 each year.
Today, over 130,000 Tibetans are in exile.
Tibet was invaded by China
Tibetans have been in exile for over half a century
There is a severe suppression on Tibetan’s human rights, Tibetan culture and religion is going under genocide.
Despite Tibetan’s desire for human rights, religion and national autonomy, China has continued to use military force in Tibet.
Tibetan people’s resistance is not against China, but to display their desire to protect the legitimate rights of the Tibetan people and their rich and valuable culture.
五十年來家國夢 半個世紀流亡淚
五十年來家國夢 半個世紀流亡淚
Saturday, November 22, 2008
和平&獨立 T-shirt / ‘Peace & Independence’ T-shirt
和平&獨立 T-shirt
‘Peace & Independence’ T-shirt
這款T恤是藏青會台灣分會所推出的第一款Campaign T-shirt,他們想要告訴世人,「和平」與「獨立」兩者都是他們追求的價值。
T恤正面是合十的雙手,這是一個佛教徒及藏人常見的手勢,代表著和平的態度;但是,您也可以從合十的雙手中看到其中所蘊含的力量。T恤背面是藏文的獨立一詞 (念法為:Rangzen),紅色代表著他們追求獨立的堅持和熱情。
By introducing this very first campaign T-shirt of RTYC Taiwan, we want to send the message to the world that peace and independence are both the values we are fighting for.
On the front of the T-shirt is a gesture of two joint hands palm against palm. It is a common gesture for Buddhists and Tibetans. In addition to express a peaceful intention, the palming hands also indicate the strength within.
On the back is the Tibetan word for independence pronounced as “Rangzen”. The color red represents TYC members’ endurance and passion for Tibet independence.
‘Peace & Independence’ T-shirt
這款T恤是藏青會台灣分會所推出的第一款Campaign T-shirt,他們想要告訴世人,「和平」與「獨立」兩者都是他們追求的價值。
T恤正面是合十的雙手,這是一個佛教徒及藏人常見的手勢,代表著和平的態度;但是,您也可以從合十的雙手中看到其中所蘊含的力量。T恤背面是藏文的獨立一詞 (念法為:Rangzen),紅色代表著他們追求獨立的堅持和熱情。
By introducing this very first campaign T-shirt of RTYC Taiwan, we want to send the message to the world that peace and independence are both the values we are fighting for.
On the front of the T-shirt is a gesture of two joint hands palm against palm. It is a common gesture for Buddhists and Tibetans. In addition to express a peaceful intention, the palming hands also indicate the strength within.
On the back is the Tibetan word for independence pronounced as “Rangzen”. The color red represents TYC members’ endurance and passion for Tibet independence.
Friday, August 8, 2008
【20080808 PressRelease】Don’t forget about human rights in Tibet!~A Peaceful March for a Free Tibet
Don’t Forget about Human Rights in Tibet
- Peaceful March for a Free Tibet in Taipei
AUGUST 08, 2008
The Beijing Olympics will begin this evening, but human rights abuses have been increasing in recent weeks in Tibet and in China. The situation has became worse as the beginning of the Games approaches, which is completely against Beijing's promise to improve human rights when it bid for hosting the Olympics.
We condemned the very decision of making Beijing the host city for this summer Olympics. Officials of Beijing Games Organizing Committee and Foreign Ministry Officials have said many times that sports and politics should be separated and accused human rights organizations and individuals who are concerned about human rights situation in Tibet and China of politicizing the Games.
However, there has been increasing crackdowns on ordinary Tibetan citizens in Tibet. Media censorship is very much there and I would like to question in which century China is heading to. There is no freedom of speech, no freedom of religious rights and all in there isn't any freedom to express the voice that we want His Holiness the Dalai Lama back in Lhasa where he belongs.
Today our Chinese brothers and sisters might be in joy to celebrate the opening of the great Olympics in which people unite and compete in one brotherhood. But we should not forget those who have stood against the tyranny rule of old communist and iron fist ruler of communist China.
And I pledge and appeal all our brothers and sisters of a representative world to be the voice of oppressed people and show your courage and solidarity with those who are still behind the bar for raising their voice against Beijing Government. Your one action of support can make a big difference in what Beijing thinks about the 2008 Olympics.
Tibetan Youth Congress has started a mass movement with Hunger Strike unto death against the Beijing Government and with them demanded immediate end to the brutal suppression of Tibetan inside Tibet and unconditional release all the political prisoner of Tibet.
And we ask for a convincing evidence to prove the well-being and whereabouts of His Holiness Gendun Choekyi Nyima the 11th Penchen Lama of Tibet.
We urge all the countries and particularly human rights organizations around the world to press the government of China to immediately halt all activities of repression and to respect the fundamental human rights and religious freedom of Tibetan People in Tibet.
【A Peaceful March for a Free Tibet on Aug. 8】
Aug. 8, 2008 marks the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, something that catches the eyes of sports fans across the world.
Yet, the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of Taiwan would like to call on all to stand up to remind the Chinese Communist government and peace-loving peoples around the world that opening and closing of the Beijing Olympics do not mean that China can forget about their promise to improve human rights conditions when granted the right to host the Games.
When: assembly at 9:00am, ends at 11:00am.
Where: 228 Peace Park (Exit 1 of MRT NTU Hospital Station) (二二八和平紀念公園大門;捷運台大醫院站一號出口)
Parade Route: 228 Memorial Park, Gongyuan Rd (公園路), Ketagalan Blvd (凱達格蘭大道), Zhangshan S Rd (中山南路), the Legislative Yuan (立法院).
Contact: Tashi Tsering at 0910-145-117.
Reminder: All those who are concerned about human rights are welcome to join us. You may bring your group’s flags or banners, human rights T-shirts or posters.
【20080808 新聞稿】看見西藏 ‧莫忘人權!~Free Tibet 和平遊行
看見西藏‧莫忘人權~Free Tibet 和平遊行
【2008 年8月8日新聞稿】
Thursday, August 7, 2008
【20080807 Press Notice】Taiwan Human Rights Campaign for Beijing Olympics
Taiwan Human Rights Campaign for Beijing Olympics
“Shine the Light of Human Rights on Beijing” Rally
2008.08.07Press Notice
Time: 2008/8/7, 19:00~22:00
Place: Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall, Liberty Square
On the night before the opening of the Beijing Olympics, Taiwanese civil society stands together with counterparts around the world to launch the “Shine the Light of Human Rights on Beijing” activity.
This event follows the petition campaign “Showcase Human Rights at the Beijing Olympics” launched by the Taiwan Free Burma Network, Taiwan Friends of Tibet, Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Taiwan Labor Front, Judicial Reform Foundation, Taiwan Guts, Taiwan Youth for Democracy in Asia, Humanistic Education Foundation, and other civil society organizations. This night, representatives of academia, social movements, artists, religious leaders, China’s overseas democracy movements, and the Tibetan and Burmese communities in Taiwan have been invited to speak on the theme “We want a human rights Olympics, not a bloody Olympics.” Invited speakers include Democratic Progressive Party Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, film director Cheng Wen-tang , rock musician Freddy, Chinese dissident Yang Jianli, Taiwan Peace Foundation Executive Director Chien Hsi-chieh , and Tibetan activist Tashi Tsering.
The event will also include a performance by human rights musician, as well as prayers from various religions, and candle-lighting ceremony, part of a worldwide campaign, which will symbolize the light of human rights being offered to the peoples of China, Tibet, and Burma who have been struggling for freedom.
Up to now, more than 30 civil society organizations have endorsed the petition campaign, and during the event participants will be encouraged to continue signing. We will also call on the Taiwanese public to “turn off the Olympics opening ceremony” and “boycott Olympic sponsors on August 8.”
All members of the media and public are welcome to attend!
“Shine the Light of Human Rights on Beijing” Rally
2008.08.07Press Notice
Time: 2008/8/7, 19:00~22:00
Place: Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall, Liberty Square
On the night before the opening of the Beijing Olympics, Taiwanese civil society stands together with counterparts around the world to launch the “Shine the Light of Human Rights on Beijing” activity.
This event follows the petition campaign “Showcase Human Rights at the Beijing Olympics” launched by the Taiwan Free Burma Network, Taiwan Friends of Tibet, Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Taiwan Labor Front, Judicial Reform Foundation, Taiwan Guts, Taiwan Youth for Democracy in Asia, Humanistic Education Foundation, and other civil society organizations. This night, representatives of academia, social movements, artists, religious leaders, China’s overseas democracy movements, and the Tibetan and Burmese communities in Taiwan have been invited to speak on the theme “We want a human rights Olympics, not a bloody Olympics.” Invited speakers include Democratic Progressive Party Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, film director Cheng Wen-tang , rock musician Freddy, Chinese dissident Yang Jianli, Taiwan Peace Foundation Executive Director Chien Hsi-chieh , and Tibetan activist Tashi Tsering.
The event will also include a performance by human rights musician, as well as prayers from various religions, and candle-lighting ceremony, part of a worldwide campaign, which will symbolize the light of human rights being offered to the peoples of China, Tibet, and Burma who have been struggling for freedom.
Up to now, more than 30 civil society organizations have endorsed the petition campaign, and during the event participants will be encouraged to continue signing. We will also call on the Taiwanese public to “turn off the Olympics opening ceremony” and “boycott Olympic sponsors on August 8.”
All members of the media and public are welcome to attend!
【20080807 新聞稿】「人權 燭光 照北京」晚會
「人權 燭光 照北京」晚會
Taiwan Campaign for Human Rights in Beijing Olympics
預計將出席的各界代表目前有民進黨主席蔡英文、導演鄭文堂、音樂人Freddy、中國民運人士楊建利博士、台灣促進和平基金會執行長簡錫堦以及曾在日本因抗議聖火遭日本警方不合理羈押的圖博人札西慈仁(Tashi Tsering)等人,均將至現場向現場民眾致意,同步表達支持人權的理念。
Taiwan Campaign for Human Rights in Beijing Olympics
預計將出席的各界代表目前有民進黨主席蔡英文、導演鄭文堂、音樂人Freddy、中國民運人士楊建利博士、台灣促進和平基金會執行長簡錫堦以及曾在日本因抗議聖火遭日本警方不合理羈押的圖博人札西慈仁(Tashi Tsering)等人,均將至現場向現場民眾致意,同步表達支持人權的理念。
2008.08.08 活動通知:看見西藏 ‧莫忘人權!~Free Tibet 和平遊行
2008.08.08 活動通知
看見西藏(圖博) ‧莫忘人權!
~8月8日Free Tibet 和平遊行
【時 間】2008年8月8日早上9:00集結,11:00結束
【地 點】二二八和平紀念公園大門(公園路,捷運台大醫院站1號出口)
【遊行路線】228公園(出發)==>公園路==> 凱達格蘭大道==> 中山南路==>立法院(終點)
【主辦單位】圖博青年議會台灣分會 RTYC Taiwan
【新聞連絡】札西慈仁 Tashi Tsering (RTYC Taiwan 主席)0910-145117;
1959年3月10日發生【 西藏抗暴事件 】。中共以武力攻打布達拉宮,西藏人民發起大規模抗議行動,中共軍方以武力鎮壓造成拉薩地區數萬名西藏人死亡。
2008年3月14日,中共再次用武力鎮壓在拉薩地區和平遊行要求Free Tibet的西藏人,造成數百人死傷,隨後也大規模逮捕並審判和平示威者,判刑入監。
看見西藏(圖博) ‧莫忘人權!
~8月8日Free Tibet 和平遊行
【時 間】2008年8月8日早上9:00集結,11:00結束
【地 點】二二八和平紀念公園大門(公園路,捷運台大醫院站1號出口)
【遊行路線】228公園(出發)==>公園路==> 凱達格蘭大道==> 中山南路==>立法院(終點)
【主辦單位】圖博青年議會台灣分會 RTYC Taiwan
【新聞連絡】札西慈仁 Tashi Tsering (RTYC Taiwan 主席)0910-145117;
1959年3月10日發生【 西藏抗暴事件 】。中共以武力攻打布達拉宮,西藏人民發起大規模抗議行動,中共軍方以武力鎮壓造成拉薩地區數萬名西藏人死亡。
2008年3月14日,中共再次用武力鎮壓在拉薩地區和平遊行要求Free Tibet的西藏人,造成數百人死傷,隨後也大規模逮捕並審判和平示威者,判刑入監。
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
【20080430新聞稿】タシィ・ツゥリン( Tashi Tsering)を応援する
タシィ・ツゥリン( Tashi Tsering)を応援する
日本は独裁極権の国ではない。言論の自由を有する民主国家である。人民の自由な意見の表現に対して、高度の尊重を与えるべきである。タシィ・ツゥリンさんの行為は、平和な非暴力行為である。彼はただ、手に雪山獅子旗を持ち、聖火に近づこうとし、Free Tibet!と彼の主張を叫んだにすぎない。暴力を以って聖火に危害を加えるような如何なる状況も発生しなかった。よって、日本国の警察がこれを「威力業務妨害罪」としたことは適切でない。ましてや、世界各国の北京オリンピックの聖火リレーに対する抗議活動において、各国の警察は聖火の順調なリレーを維持するために、聖火に近づこうとした者を逮捕しているが、その後、いずれの場合も早急に釈放した。日本国の警察がタシィ・ツゥリンさんを48時間勾留した後、さらに送検、そして検察側も収監、接見禁止を10日間延長したことは不合理な処置である(同じ日に、日本人が聖火リレーに鶏卵を投げたが、すでに釈放されている)。
日本は独裁極権の国ではない。言論の自由を有する民主国家である。人民の自由な意見の表現に対して、高度の尊重を与えるべきである。タシィ・ツゥリンさんの行為は、平和な非暴力行為である。彼はただ、手に雪山獅子旗を持ち、聖火に近づこうとし、Free Tibet!と彼の主張を叫んだにすぎない。暴力を以って聖火に危害を加えるような如何なる状況も発生しなかった。よって、日本国の警察がこれを「威力業務妨害罪」としたことは適切でない。ましてや、世界各国の北京オリンピックの聖火リレーに対する抗議活動において、各国の警察は聖火の順調なリレーを維持するために、聖火に近づこうとした者を逮捕しているが、その後、いずれの場合も早急に釈放した。日本国の警察がタシィ・ツゥリンさんを48時間勾留した後、さらに送検、そして検察側も収監、接見禁止を10日間延長したことは不合理な処置である(同じ日に、日本人が聖火リレーに鶏卵を投げたが、すでに釈放されている)。
【20080430 Press Release】RELEASE TASHI TSERING NOW!
During the Nagano leg of the Beijing Olympic torch relay, Tashi Tsering (札西慈仁), an exiled Tibetan holding Taiwanese passport, was brought into police custody under the charge of “forcible obstruction of business” for his attempt to approach the torch, and was detained with no visitors allowed for 48 hours.
After the 48-hour detention period was over on April 28, he was transferred to a prosecutor for interrogation. There, a decision to extend the no-visitor detention period to 10 days was made. It will remain unknown what awaits him after the 10 days—release, more detention, or indictment.
We would like to express our regret and strong protest to the Japanese government over the way Tashi Tsering’s case is handled.
Japan is by no means an authoritarian state; rather, it’s a democratic country where people enjoy the freedom of speech. Hence, anyone’s right to freely express his or her opinion should be highly respected. What Tashi Tsering did in Japan, was peaceful and non-violent. He was merely approaching the torch and shouted what he believes in: “free Tibet”. He did not threaten the Olympic torch with force.
Therefore, the charge that the local police brought against him—forcible obstruction of business, is all but inadequate.
It has happened in other countries as well, that protesters against the Olympic torch were arrested to keep the relay in order, and they were all quickly released afterwards. Along with Tashi Tsering, there were several Japanese who protested the torch by throwing eggs at it; they were quickly released as well.
Considering all of the above, we believe that what the Japanese police authority does to Tashi Tsering—putting him in custody for 48 hours and extended the detention period—is unusual.
We ask that the Japanese government follow all required legal procedures, that Tashi Tsering be provided interpretation, that he be assisted by an attorney, so that he may fully understand the Japanese legal procedure that he is facing.
In addition, he should be allowed to receive visitors as soon as possible—it is unreasonable to put Tashi Tsering in detention with no visitors allowed for 12 days.
We suspect that the Japanese government may be facing political pressure from the People’s Republic of China, as the prolonged detention of Tashi Tsering is quite unusual. In other similar cases, a person in custody is usually released after the 48-hour detention period. We hereby urge the Japanese government to stand firm behind human rights values, and not to bow to political pressure from China.
Organizations in solidarity with Tashi Tsering:
Taiwan Friends of Tibet, Regional Tibetan Youth Congress-Taiwan Chapter, Taiwan Tibetan Welfare Association, Taiwan-Tibet Exchange Foundation, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Taiwan Labor Front, Taiwan International Solidarity Center (New add-ons welcome).
During the Nagano leg of the Beijing Olympic torch relay, Tashi Tsering (札西慈仁), an exiled Tibetan holding Taiwanese passport, was brought into police custody under the charge of “forcible obstruction of business” for his attempt to approach the torch, and was detained with no visitors allowed for 48 hours.
After the 48-hour detention period was over on April 28, he was transferred to a prosecutor for interrogation. There, a decision to extend the no-visitor detention period to 10 days was made. It will remain unknown what awaits him after the 10 days—release, more detention, or indictment.
We would like to express our regret and strong protest to the Japanese government over the way Tashi Tsering’s case is handled.
Japan is by no means an authoritarian state; rather, it’s a democratic country where people enjoy the freedom of speech. Hence, anyone’s right to freely express his or her opinion should be highly respected. What Tashi Tsering did in Japan, was peaceful and non-violent. He was merely approaching the torch and shouted what he believes in: “free Tibet”. He did not threaten the Olympic torch with force.
Therefore, the charge that the local police brought against him—forcible obstruction of business, is all but inadequate.
It has happened in other countries as well, that protesters against the Olympic torch were arrested to keep the relay in order, and they were all quickly released afterwards. Along with Tashi Tsering, there were several Japanese who protested the torch by throwing eggs at it; they were quickly released as well.
Considering all of the above, we believe that what the Japanese police authority does to Tashi Tsering—putting him in custody for 48 hours and extended the detention period—is unusual.
We ask that the Japanese government follow all required legal procedures, that Tashi Tsering be provided interpretation, that he be assisted by an attorney, so that he may fully understand the Japanese legal procedure that he is facing.
In addition, he should be allowed to receive visitors as soon as possible—it is unreasonable to put Tashi Tsering in detention with no visitors allowed for 12 days.
We suspect that the Japanese government may be facing political pressure from the People’s Republic of China, as the prolonged detention of Tashi Tsering is quite unusual. In other similar cases, a person in custody is usually released after the 48-hour detention period. We hereby urge the Japanese government to stand firm behind human rights values, and not to bow to political pressure from China.
Organizations in solidarity with Tashi Tsering:
Taiwan Friends of Tibet, Regional Tibetan Youth Congress-Taiwan Chapter, Taiwan Tibetan Welfare Association, Taiwan-Tibet Exchange Foundation, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Taiwan Labor Front, Taiwan International Solidarity Center (New add-ons welcome).
【20080430新聞稿】要求日本政府應立即釋放無罪的札西慈仁Tashi Tsering
聲援 札西慈仁 Tashi Tsering
2008/04/30 新聞稿
日本不是獨裁極權國家,是擁有言論自由民主國家,對於人民自由的意見表達,應給予高度尊重。札西慈仁的行為,是和平非暴力行為。他只是手拿雪山獅子旗試圖接近聖火,並且喊出他的主張:Free Tibet!並無任何暴力危害聖火的情況發生。因此,日本警方對他的指控:「威力業務妨害罪」是不恰當的。況且,在全世界對於北京聖火的抗議活動中,各國警方為了維持聖火的順利傳遞而逮捕試圖接近聖火的人,但也都在事後盡快釋放。日本警方拘留札西慈仁48小時之後,隨之延長羈押禁見十天,是非常不合理的處置。同一天,有幾位日本人朝向聖火隊伍丟擲雞蛋,也已被釋放!
共同聲援團體: 國際人權聯盟(FIDH)、台灣圖博之友會、西藏青年議會台灣分會、在台藏人福利協會、台灣西藏交流基金會、 台灣人權促進會、台灣勞工陣線、台灣國際團結中心、台灣促進和平基金會、民間司法改革基金會、廢除死刑推動聯盟、台北律師公會人權保護委員會、台灣綠色小組影像紀錄永續協會、台灣客社、台灣原社、台灣客家盟、人本教育基金會(聲援團體陸續增加中…)
2008/04/30 新聞稿
日本不是獨裁極權國家,是擁有言論自由民主國家,對於人民自由的意見表達,應給予高度尊重。札西慈仁的行為,是和平非暴力行為。他只是手拿雪山獅子旗試圖接近聖火,並且喊出他的主張:Free Tibet!並無任何暴力危害聖火的情況發生。因此,日本警方對他的指控:「威力業務妨害罪」是不恰當的。況且,在全世界對於北京聖火的抗議活動中,各國警方為了維持聖火的順利傳遞而逮捕試圖接近聖火的人,但也都在事後盡快釋放。日本警方拘留札西慈仁48小時之後,隨之延長羈押禁見十天,是非常不合理的處置。同一天,有幾位日本人朝向聖火隊伍丟擲雞蛋,也已被釋放!
共同聲援團體: 國際人權聯盟(FIDH)、台灣圖博之友會、西藏青年議會台灣分會、在台藏人福利協會、台灣西藏交流基金會、 台灣人權促進會、台灣勞工陣線、台灣國際團結中心、台灣促進和平基金會、民間司法改革基金會、廢除死刑推動聯盟、台北律師公會人權保護委員會、台灣綠色小組影像紀錄永續協會、台灣客社、台灣原社、台灣客家盟、人本教育基金會(聲援團體陸續增加中…)
Monday, March 10, 2008
About Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan
Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan
Regional Tibetan Youth Congress in Taiwan (RTYC Taiwan) was established in 2004. The present Chairman and Vice-Chairman of RTYC Taiwan are Tashi Tsering and Tenzing Chomphel, the Secretary General is Chime Dorjee. RTYC Taiwan shares the same goal with worldwide RTYCs: RANGZEN (which means independence in Tibetan). RTYC Taiwan deems itself as a linkage between Taiwan and Tibet, and works to promote the understandings of the Taiwanese government and civil society on Tibeten issues and TYC’s determination for independence.
Regional Tibetan Youth Congress in Taiwan (RTYC Taiwan) was established in 2004. The present Chairman and Vice-Chairman of RTYC Taiwan are Tashi Tsering and Tenzing Chomphel, the Secretary General is Chime Dorjee. RTYC Taiwan shares the same goal with worldwide RTYCs: RANGZEN (which means independence in Tibetan). RTYC Taiwan deems itself as a linkage between Taiwan and Tibet, and works to promote the understandings of the Taiwanese government and civil society on Tibeten issues and TYC’s determination for independence.
About Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC
Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC
With His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s inaugural address, the Tibetan Youth Congress was established to promote the total independence of Tibet in October 7th, 1970 in Dharamsala.
Funded by the first group of young Tibetan intellectuals who received both western and traditional educations and affected by the modern democracy thoughts, TYC has emerged as the largest and most active non-governmental organization of Tibetans in exile. TYC now has 81 regional branches in India, Nepal, Taiwan, France, Canada, USA and many other countries, and has more than 30,000 members worldwide.
TYC works on uniting Tibetans’ common struggle for the restoration of complete independence for the whole of Tibet, which includes the tradition three provinces of U-Tsang, Do-toe and Do-med. Adhering the principle of peace and non-violence, TYC focuses on the reformation and evolvement among Tibetan community to develop a genuine democratic society.
TYC website:
With His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s inaugural address, the Tibetan Youth Congress was established to promote the total independence of Tibet in October 7th, 1970 in Dharamsala.
Funded by the first group of young Tibetan intellectuals who received both western and traditional educations and affected by the modern democracy thoughts, TYC has emerged as the largest and most active non-governmental organization of Tibetans in exile. TYC now has 81 regional branches in India, Nepal, Taiwan, France, Canada, USA and many other countries, and has more than 30,000 members worldwide.
TYC works on uniting Tibetans’ common struggle for the restoration of complete independence for the whole of Tibet, which includes the tradition three provinces of U-Tsang, Do-toe and Do-med. Adhering the principle of peace and non-violence, TYC focuses on the reformation and evolvement among Tibetan community to develop a genuine democratic society.
TYC website:
圖博(西藏)青年議會台灣分會 RTYC Taiwan 簡介
圖博(西藏)青年議會台灣分會(Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Taiwan)於2004年成立。目前主席為札西慈仁Tashi Tsering,副主席為丹增群佩Denzing Chomphel,秘書長為青美多杰Chime Dorjee。
圖博(西藏)青年議會(Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC)簡介
圖博(西藏)青年議會(Tibetan Youth Congress, TYC)簡介
其成立宗旨乃是為了促成 西藏領土的完整歸還及獨立自主而奮鬥,遵循非暴力、和平的原則 ;並且強調西藏族群的改變革新,以期發展出真正民主的社會。
其成立宗旨乃是為了促成 西藏領土的完整歸還及獨立自主而奮鬥,遵循非暴力、和平的原則 ;並且強調西藏族群的改變革新,以期發展出真正民主的社會。
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